Pictured here, New York's Adam Moss, host of the Oscars party the magazine threw at the Spotted Pig, before ab-obsessed Dave Zinczenko unbuttoned his shirt. Moss, who used to run New York Times' Sunday magazine, is one of the most high-minded of modern editors. Which makes the magazine's web triumph last week all the more disturbing. New York claims 20m pageviews per day for the arty nudes it ran of drunken starlet, Lindsay Lohan. (Yes, jealous.) Moss says the traffic is "addictive". He's joking, for the moment. But wait. (In this week's New York sex diaries, an S&M-loving comedian.) After the jump, lovingly photographed by Gawker's Nikola Tamindzic: Emily Gould; Julia Allison; Alan Cumming and other British luvvies' media gays displaying affection; "Smash" from Friday Night Lights; Marlo's enforcer from cult HBO show, The Wire; and Jews eating piglet.

Chris Partlow, the drug lord's enforcer in HBO's The Wire, will cut you. No, really. Here's actor Gbenga Akinnagbe, who plays the part; photographer Nikola forgot to request the scary assassin look.

Gaius Charles is "Smash" Williams in Friday Night Lights, an actor recently profiled in New York magazine. Why is such a cosmopolitan magazine taking a lowly-rated show about college football, and a fictional running back, under its wing? New York's Adam Moss explains: Friday Night Lights is "sports for gays and women". And Neel Shah.

James Truman, former editor director of Louise MacBain's luxury magazine hobby collection, has the inner peace of a yoga devotee, and a man who will never again have to cater to the French-Canadian divorcee's whims. (Related: MacBain's Culture & Travel.is running a three-year-old account of a trip to Myanmar by obnoxious fallen Star editor, Joe Dolce.)

Emily Gould, another former Gawker writer now lost to management, is now consulting on blogs to Jewcy, the site for hip jews. Emily is way too hip for Jewish traditions. Piglet. Yum!

Another unkosher combination: Emily Gould and (head at regulation tilt) Julia Allison. Says Gould: "What can I say? I like her."

A piglet, desecrated by New York's Jesse Oxfeld. Or vice versa. Whatever.

Rachel Sklar of the Huffington Post, with her date, Raymond Roker of Urb magazine. They met at a Jewish retreat. The pork's better here.

Brits Eddie Izzard, Alan Cumming and Rachel Weisz watched fellow countryman, Daniel Day-Lewis, win the award for best actor. They're over the moon. Can't you tell? (Weisz, who won best supporting actress for her role in The Constant Gardener, was photographed later in the evening, at cabaret club The Box.)

To the right of Noelle Hancock from pagesix.com: Jessica Coen, overlady of New York magazine's blogs. The former Gawker writer looks like a sweet girl from the Midwest in this picture. Once, she was.

Hud Morgan of Men's Vogue learned how to wear scarves from his former boss at the New York Daily News, Lloyd Grove, seen here with New York's Carl Swanson (left).

Deborah Schoeneman, the former gossip columnist and Hamptons diarist, now writes TV scripts in Los Angeles. Does she miss New York? "In LA, writers actually make money; and they're happy." Smug bitch.

Waiting for Emily Gould.

It's gay Christmas. Public displays of affection between the gays are permitted only at The Cock and during the Oscars. New York's Carl Swanson and boyfriend cuddle around the telecast.

More rejoicing gays: New York's David Haskell and his boyfriend, Esteban Arboleda.

One straight couple, Noelle Hancock and New York Times reporter, Nick Confessore, didn't know the rules.

Curbed "lord" Lockhart Steele got name-checked in Page Six's party report. Jessica Coen, like aspiring starlets before her, is only with him for the reflected celebrity.

Photos by Nikola Tamindzic