
The Glass Is Half Full For Eliot Spitzer

cityfile · 09/17/09 03:32PM

"The former love guv is getting no love from New Yorkers. A whopping 69% of registered voters, including 62% of his fellow Democrats, say disgraced ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer should not run for statewide office, according to a new Marist College poll. Just 27% say he should resurrect his political career, according to the poll released Thursday morning." No love? We might be missing something here, but those numbers look pretty good given the circumstances. They also suggest that 4% of the population thinks he should run for statewide office, but he won't be resurrecting his political career by doing so. They might be right! [NYDN]

All Ashley Dupre Needs Is a Good Man

cityfile · 09/14/09 02:58PM

Ashley Dupre is ready for redemption! It's been a year and a half since she became the girl who took down luv gov Eliot Spitzer, and now she tells the Post she's looking forward to love, marriage, and becoming a baby mama. But let's face it: the girl hasn't always been so lucky with men. (In fairness to her, meeting an upstanding guy when you're in the escort business has got to be tough.) But since she's starting over with a clean slate these days, we thought she should start off with a fresh start romantically, too. Herewith, a list of potential suitors for the escort-turned-budding-singer.


cityfile · 09/10/09 09:16AM

Olivia Palermo walking in SoHo ... Eliot Spitzer passing by the set of Sex and the City in Midtown ... Lindsay Lohan getting out of an SUV in front of the Bowery Hotel ... Jennifer Connelly arriving at JFK with her kids ... Lourdes Leon walking with her dad Carlos in SoHo ... Kate Hudson carrying an empty Tupperware container in Midtown ... Shia LaBeouf astanding on the set of Wall Street 2 downtown ... Rihanna leaving her hotel ... Sarah Jessica Parker filming scenes from Sex & The City 2 in front of the Plaza, and walking son James to school in the Village ... Victoria Beckham arriving at JFK ... Tony Bennett walking with his wife ... Dr. Phil posing for photos outside his hotel ... and Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale heading to dinner at the Standard Grill.

The Daily News Will Not Be Left Behind

cityfile · 09/04/09 10:32AM

The New York Post has had a field day this week with the (quite possibly false) rumor that Eliot Spitzer is supposedly thinking about jumping back into politics. That Tuesday cover story led to a Wednesday cover featuring a response from Ashley Dupre's mom; then, yesterday, Ashley herself responded to the Spitzer story before going on to suggest that she really isn't all that different than many women in Manhattan, and that the line between a prostitute and an ordinary gold-digger is a thin one. Dupre's remarks generated a third Post cover yesterday, and although a response to Dupre's comments from a handful of random women today didn't justify the cover of the paper today (despite the fact the Post it's now describing it as a "citywide catfight), it did give the paper an excuse to post one more photo gallery of Dupre in a skimpy bikini. Think the Daily News is feeling a little left out? You bet it is!

Don't Confuse Ashley Dupre with Ashley Tisdale

cityfile · 09/03/09 10:09AM

Ashley Dupre is responding today to the (possibly made-up) reports that Eliot Spitzer is thinking about running for elected office: "I was happy to see that Mr. Spitzer is moving on with his life and considering getting back into politics," she writes on Global Grind, the website owned by her occasional yoga partner/mentor, Russell Simmons. "Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone deserves a second chance. Me too, right? Well, apparently not." She goes on to complain that people think she's making a fortune off her notoriety, but she really isn't, and that although she really wanted to write a book, publishers lost interest when she told them she wasn't willing to "sensationalize" the sensational details that made her famous in the first place. Oh, well. In any event, she finishes up the rant by directing readers to a "rough cut" of latest single, "Inside Out."

The Return of Spitzer?

cityfile · 09/01/09 05:56AM

"Disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been privately talking with friends about a possible comeback, and is considering a run for statewide office next year, several sources told The Post." Really? Could it be true? The paper suggests Spitzer might be thinking about running for state comptroller or challenging Kirsten Gillibrand for her Senate seat. Sources close to the former governor, however, say it's all made up. But it makes for a good story (and even better headline) during a slow pre-Labor Day news week, that's for sure. [NYP]

Jim McGreevey: Five Years Later

cityfile · 08/14/09 07:27AM

It was five years ago yesterday that Jim McGreevey announced he was "a gay American," and said he was resigning as New Jersey's governor. What's he up to now? He's studying divinity and spends free time volunteering at a church in Harlem, and he tells the Star-Ledger that he's made peace with the past. ("I'm grateful for my brokenness. I'm grateful for my humility.") Also, as you probably could have guessed, he had a pretty good idea for how Eliot Spitzer was feeling during his sex scandal last March: "I felt pain for his family, and I prayed for his family, and I knew that he would once again discover productive service as he has. He's an incredibly bright, capable individual and he will continue to serve in different ways." [NJ.com via Gothamist]

Clients 1-8, 10-67 To Remain a Secret

cityfile · 08/07/09 02:50PM

This is sort of unfortunate, but not really. A federal appeals court today decided the news media will not be permitted access to the wiretaps that were used to bust Emperors Club VIP, the escort agency that employed Ms. Ashley Dupre and brought Eliot Spitzer's political career to a messy end last March.

A Rare Piece of Good News For David Paterson

cityfile · 08/04/09 04:15PM

Dennis Hof sure is a generous man. The owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada plans to offer hundreds of elected politicians across the country a little pick-me-up with a "government assistance program," which involves him mailing out what he calls "good time party passes" to every senator, congressman and governor in America.