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Dennis Hof sure is a generous man. The owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada plans to offer hundreds of elected politicians across the country a little pick-me-up with a "government assistance program," which involves him mailing out what he calls "good time party passes" to every senator, congressman and governor in America.

Hof says the idea was inspired by men like Eliot Spitzer and Mark Sanford, who could have avoided all the messiness they faced in the press if they'd only decided to visit the BunnyRanch instead of carry on with escort agencies and women living in Argentina. (Because frequenting legal brothels would have totally allowed them to avoid a public uproar.) Hof also cites Mark Foley as an inspiration, which suggests he may now be in the business of serving up underage boys at his "ranch" in Nevada. And he doesn't indicate if he plans to make this generous offer to heterosexual female politicians, too. But maybe we're getting a little bogged down in the details to see the big publicity stunt through the trees?

In any event, if you head over to the Taj Lounge next week and you don't spot David Paterson doing his thing on the dance floor—and one of his aides explains to you that the governor had to take a last-minute trip to meet some "potential donors" on the outskirts of Carson City, NV—rest assured he'll be in the very best of hands.

BunnyRanch Government Assistance Program [PRNewswire via Dealbreaker]
Photo: Guest of a Guest