Welcome to the Coming Race War
John Cook · 11/06/12 08:46PMThe results aren't in yet, but it's becoming increasingly clear from the exit poll data and the glum mood on Fox News that Barack Obama is probably going to win re-election tonight. And the excuse-making from Red America has begun, and it basically comes down to: The Whites lost.
Wayback Against the Machine: Gawker Election Coverage From 2004 to 2008
Leah Beckmann · 11/06/12 07:20PM
The third election night since Gawker's inception is upon us. Read through this dusty collection of aged Gawker posts, beginning with the election in 2004, and delve into a simpler, sweeter time. A time when there was hope and change and Nate Silver was nothing more than a baseball stats obsessive. And now there's this.
Florida Polling Place Denies Entry to Woman with an MIT T-Shirt
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 06:35PM12 Crucial Election Hashtags to Follow on Twitter Tonight
Adrian Chen · 11/06/12 06:30PMHow the Republicans Lost Another Black Supporter
Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 06:10PM
When I tell people my father is a black Republican, many of them look at me curiously, as if I've just told them I was raised by mermaids. I assume they're surprised not only because much of my personal politics sit decidedly left of center, but also because black Republicans, who made up only 2 percent of the delegation at this year's Republican National Convention, have become somewhat of an urban legend, a phenomenon you might hear about on the news from time to time but will never encounter yourself in real life. On top of their rarity, America's black Republicans must also contend with the fact that some of their most notable comrades come off as either unserious or downright unhinged. For every levelheaded Colin Powell in the public eye, there is a man like Herman Cain, whose bid for the GOP's presidential nomination earlier this year was more circus sideshow than political campaign.
Obama Spends Final Hours of Presidential Campaign Browsing Reddit
Adrian Chen · 11/06/12 06:04PMCord Jefferson · 11/06/12 05:48PM
President Obama Says He Might Do a Victory 'Gangnam Style' Dance for Michelle, In Private
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 05:05PMAbolish the Electoral College (And The U.S. Senate)
Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/12 04:55PM
Democracy is not very hard to understand. Its simplicity is a big part of its appeal. One citizen, one vote. Even representative democracy, necessary for unwieldy, far-flung populous nations like ours, is pretty easy: the candidate who gets the most votes wins. Representatives represent the will of the people.
Shut It Down: God Calls Election for Obama with Epic Double Rainbows Near the President's Old Elementary School
Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 04:45PM
Breaking: The Lord herself has called today's election for Barack Obama—and thrown her support behind gay marriage!—with these totally badass double rainbows over Honolulu polling place Hokulani Elementary, a school only a mile or two from where President Obama grew up. You should probably still vote if you haven't already, just in case, but this one's pretty much in the bag, bro.
Dead Man Comes Back to Life, Wants to Know If He Voted
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 04:36PMFor Whom and What Are You Voting, and Why?
Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 04:25PM
It is Election Day! Time for Americans to come together after months and months of vindictive, divisive, hateful caterwauling about politics and finally put all the barking to a vote. Instagram user outmouth voted for "a gay dog" for president, as you can see above. That was probably not a wise decision, especially if he or she lives in Ohio. But that's the beauty of democracy: Every clown and madman gets to do it as long as they're over 18 and haven't committed a felony.
Top of Empire State Building to Display Real-Time Election Results
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 03:36PMSpoiler Alert: South Park's Upcoming Episode is Entitled 'Obama Wins!'
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 03:05PMWhat's the Most Annoying Thing Your 'Friends' Are Saying on Facebook and Twitter?
Max Read · 11/06/12 02:27PMDetermination to Vote Trumps Labor Pains for One Chicago Mom-To-Be
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/06/12 02:26PMDid You Get Your Absentee Ballot?
Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/12 01:08PMVote for Obama If You Like Human Beings
Mobutu Sese Seko · 11/06/12 01:00PM
It is difficult to have a rational conversation about reelecting Barack Obama. The right still likes to believe the left considers him "Obamessiah." Progressives seem to salivate at how pristinely their principles appear next to his shortcomings. And those young enough to not have experienced the soulfucker that was Clinton's second term almost revel in their worldly contempt after seeing their 2008 dreams brought low. Look, ma, I got my political disenchantment badge!
An Expert Weighs in on That Viral Reddit 'Voter Fraud' Video
Max Read · 11/06/12 11:55AMWhen we asked people to share their stories of voting irregularity earlier today, dozens of people shared this video — currently on the Reddit front page with nearly 20,000 up-votes — of a Pennsylvania voting machine seemingly altering a man's vote from Obama to Romney. We reached out to Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Senior Staff Technologist at the Center for Democracy & Technology, to ask his opinion; here's what he told us: