Wayback Against the Machine: Gawker Election Coverage From 2004 to 2008

The third election night since Gawker's inception is upon us. Read through this dusty collection of aged Gawker posts, beginning with the election in 2004, and delve into a simpler, sweeter time. A time when there was hope and change and Nate Silver was nothing more than a baseball stats obsessive. And now there's this.
Bloggers, blog on.
From 2004
- Election Erection Gives Nation Blue Balls
- Remainders: Post-Election Lefty Hangover Edition
- To Do: Election Night Parties Or Oscar De La Renta
- Hot Topic: When Republicans And Democrats Have Sex
- Letter From The Editor: Hello, Crawford!
- Stalk For Democracy: Graydon Carter Not Smoking In Voting Booth
- Happy E-Day; Now Go Vote And Bring A Book
From 2008
- Can Obama Avoid JFK's Missteps?
- Joe the Plumber Will Save Your TV from the Terrorists
- Official Biden Family Senate Seat-Warmer Selected
- Obama Won Because You're Stupid
- Arianna Declares ‘Biggest Wiener' Of Election Season
- Karl Rove Credits Himself With Obama Victory
- Can Obama's Laptop Chats Fill FDR's Shoes?
- Nate Silver To Become The Next Malcolm Gladwell
- The Campaign Books That Will Be Obsolete Before They're Printed
- North Finally Wins Civil War
- Obama-Bush Meeting Another Painful Reminder That No One's President Right Now
- Obama Impersonator Disturbing Side Effect of Election Victory
- Barack Obama President Of Newspaper Endorsements
- How McCain Can Win
- Stat Geek Called Election, Mulls Stats Empire
- Five Lessons from Obama's Campaign That Aren't Marketing Pseudospeak
[Images via Getty]