Dead Man Comes Back to Life, Wants to Know If He Voted

'Dying to vote' became a literal reality for one elderly Michigan man who temporarily expired while filling out his absentee ballot yesterday afternoon.
The unnamed man was ultimately revived by home care nurse Ty Houston, 48, who was filling out his own absentee ballot nearby.
"He was dead," Houston told The Detroit News. "He had no heartbeat and he wasn't breathing. I started CPR, and after a few minutes, he revived and started breathing again. He knew his name and his wife's name."
He also knew he was in the middle of something very important, and wanted to make sure he finished it.
"The first question he asked was 'Did I vote?'," Houston recalled. The man's wife tried to impress on her husband that his life outweighed his vote, but the man disagreed. He reportedly told his wife only two things mattered to him: "That I love you and that I finished what I came here to do … vote."
Earlier today, on the opposite end of the life cycle, Chicago-area mom-to-be Galicia Malone made a point of stopping by her polling place on the way to give birth so she could cast her very first ballot.