
Ted Cruz Would NEVER Exploit His Kids, Says Ted Cruz as He Exploits His Kids

Ashley Feinberg · 12/22/15 10:57PM

Ted Cruz is positively SICKENED by how low the liberal media is willing to go “to attack and destroy” him and everyone he holds dear, specifically with claims that he keeps trotting out his kids like trained monkeys. So to retaliate Ted Cruz has decided to.... trot out his kids like trained monkeys and beg for money.

Lindsey Graham Mercy Kills His Presidential Campaign

Jordan Sargent · 12/21/15 10:20AM

Lindsey Graham, senator from South Carolina, announced this morning that he is “suspending my campaign for President.” It is a suspension the rest of us can safely assume is permanent.

Poll: Everyone Hates Jeb

Ashley Feinberg · 12/18/15 01:10PM

A new national survey from Public Policy Polling has some godawful news for anyone who happens to be Muslim and/or named Jeb Bush. Because in both cases, Republican voters want pretty much nothing to do with you.

Five GOP Debates in Five Minutes: The Worst of 2015

Ashley Feinberg · 12/16/15 01:20PM

Somehow, impossibly, we’ve made it through five total GOP debates over the course of five months. We’ve seen spirits crushed (Jeb), lies told (everyone), and would-be dictators rouse the masses (Trump). At a certain point, all the racism, bickering, and stupidity just start blending together. Here’s a refresher.

Ben Carson Spoke To Your Favorite Star Wars Character, Reince Pubis

Brendan O'Connor · 12/15/15 11:30PM

On Tuesday, Ben Carson said he spoke to Reince Pubis. Pubis—a plump, humanoid Jedi Master with dark red hair, and an affable scholar of Jedi history—should not be confused with Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Gawker and Jezebel Liveblog the GOP Debate Episode V: A New Hell

Ashley Feinberg · 12/15/15 08:49PM

Tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern, the 9 (??) top GOP candidates will take the stage for the 358th time to see who can scream “ISIS” the loudest. And we’ll be liveblogging every last tirade with the help of our sister site Jezebel. Because no one should have to go through this alone.

WARNING: Tonight's GOP Debate May Include Star Wars Spoilers

Ashley Feinberg · 12/15/15 01:45PM

Last night, the latest installment of the beloved sci-fi incest franchise Star Wars had its world premiere. Tonight, a small army of attention-hungry presidential hopefuls are going to be yelling at us on CNN. How can we be sure these desperate men and Carly Fiorina won’t slip a spoiler in, effectively ruining the entire set of films that gave us beloved characters like Spock and Mulder? Apparently, we can’t.

Carly Fiorina to Dog: "Obama Ate Your Cousin"

Ashley Feinberg · 12/15/15 12:00PM

“Feed me a line,” failed HP CEO and presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says through gritted teeth as an army of tiny pups squirms in her lap. She is visibly uncomfortable—irate even. But she is smiling a wide-eyed, crazed smile. In a few seconds she will be eating dog food. This is Carly Fiorina’s attempt at being human.

Jeb! Promises to Leave You Alone for Two Weeks for Just $25

Ashley Feinberg · 12/14/15 04:10PM

The holiday season is a time to take a break from life’s dreary annoyances, so you can spend it with the people that you actually love and enjoy. Which is to say, the holiday season is not a time for Jeb. Jeb knows this. And he’s willing to leave you alone, too—for one low, easy payment of $25.

The Dream Ticket: Trump-Carson (Independent)

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/15 12:52PM

If listening to the current Republican presidential frontrunners speak is scaring you to death, here is something to make you feel better: there is now a semi-plausible scenario in which the entire party hilariously self-destructs.