Eldersex Going from Gross to Funny
Richard Lawson · 04/10/09 10:02AMNew York Review of Books Personals a Hotbed for Eldersex
Sheila · 01/07/08 01:21PM
Have you ever made it all the way through an issue of the New York Review of Books? Of course not! But did you realize that the septuagenarian crowd is getting totally rowdy back there, carefully crafting literate, occasionally randy personals for potential hookups? (Remember, they don't know how to use Craigslist). Actual example: "Manhunt for literate 70 y/o gay men!" Examples after the jump! (Totally SFW).
Philip Roth Firing Blanks, Says Youngster
Maggie · 10/01/07 11:20AM
Call us sentimental, but when you're reviewing the closing chapter in Pulitzer-winning American author Philip Roth's decades-long love affair with himself (aka Nathan Zuckerman), it's less than classy to suggest his literary climax has so failed you that the man ought to investigate erectile dysfunction drugs. Was Michael Weiss really all that surprised by Exit Ghost's "self-referential, filth for the sake of filth" nature? It's Roth, for chrissakes. We think recent Dartmouth grads yearning for National Book Awards of their own would really do well to keep their Roth reviews out of the tabloids until they've produced something slightly longer than blog posts and freelance pieces for Slate. (Uh, yes, we will make every effort to heed our own advice—until it's slightly more profitable to part with our own integrity, at which point we will gladly excoriate our own dirty narcissistic heroes for a $125 and a byline.)
Old People Have Sex
abalk · 08/23/07 04:15PM
Balk BTW: Okay, sorry about this, I don't want to bring you down or anything, but I have to ask. Whaddya think about that study that shows that the elderly are still getting it on? This one:
Balk BTW: "The study of 3005 adults aged 57 to 85 found most had an active sex life with a partner or spouse. More than half of sexually active older adults had sex two to three times a month—the same frequency reported among younger adults in a 1992 national survey."
abalk · 07/13/07 08:46AM
Sex And The Cineplex
Emily Gould · 07/05/07 08:25AM
Only ten years after filming on the iconic HBO show began, the "Sex and the City" movie is a go! Fortunately, the stars of everyone's favorite show about "three whores and their mother" have only gotten younger and less stringy over the last decade. But here's the catch: Kim Cattrall gets her own HBO series for finally agreeing to sign on. Ooo! Ooo! Golden Girls '08, anyone?
Modern Love's Six Creepy Ways To Put The Spice Back In Your Marriage
Emily · 04/16/07 11:58AM
- Step One: Keep an open mind, especially when it comes to letting a handsome young stranger install a neon sign in your window to supposedly surprise his girlfriend on Valentine's day. "He looked harmless enough, but I engaged him in innocuous banter to see if he breathed fire. Then I took a leap of faith — not wholly unlike the one I took 17 years earlier when I let my husband into my life — and ushered him inside."
'Times' Eldersex Article May Regrow A Hymen
Emily Gould · 02/14/07 05:27PM
Did we say earlier that tonight is 'Everyone Gets Laid Nite?' God, the way things are going today, it's seeming more like 'No One Will Ever Want To Fuck Again Day.' Seriously, due to the combined efforts of Joel "Plushie" Stein, Dave Zinczenko, the Daddy Ignored Me Twins, Riding The Butts With Larry, Ryan The Manny's ode to lube, this dude's gaycial hair, sex is basically over for us forever.