Eldersex Going from Gross to Funny

Comedy often depends on certain archetypes guaranteed to get a laugh — foul-mouthed children, fat men without shirts, drunk party girls — and now old people knocking boots. Larry Charles may be on to something.
Though this disturbing phenomenon has been going on for some time, last night The Daily Show advanced the trend. Correspondent Jason Jones filed a report from Miami Beach, where elderly folks have been contracting STDs in record amounts, because of all their old-timey, no-holds-barred, afternoon fucking. While STDs typically shouldn't be a laughing matter, the segment was brilliant and hilarious and oddly sweet and vaguely sad but mostly a terrifying reminder that you, too, if you're lucky, will someday mash your withered genitals up against some other past-its-prime grapefruit just to while away the hours. You know, like when you're old. Like forty or whatever. Clip is below.