
Snowden: "Sometimes To Do The Right Thing You Have to Break a Law"

Aleksander Chan · 05/29/14 08:36AM

Edward Snowden gave his first U.S. television interview to NBC's Brian Williams last night, almost one year after he was first revealed as the NSA contractor who leaked documents about the U.S. government's digital surveillance techniques.

Adam Weinstein · 03/25/14 11:53AM

Edward Snowden's disclosures may have helped the Russians conceal their moves in Crimea, unnamed U.S. officials subtly suggest without evidence. But "I think it's good for Americans to know the kinds of things that have been revealed by him," says Jimmy Carter. Get on the same page, fellas!

"The Story of Our Lives" at the Sources and Secrets Conference

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/14 02:15PM

The NSA, America's all seeing eye, doesn't want to know everything about everybody, Barton Gellman said today, his face hovering on a screen at the front of the New York Times' airy auditorium. "It wants to be able to know anything about anybody."

Bill Gates Is Kind of a Dick

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/14 02:20PM

Bill Gates is a technocrat. A very, very rich technocrat. His charity work will probably save millions of lives. But, as a new interview with him reveals, he's really not much of a progressive at all.

Julian Assange and Edward Snowden Speak to SXSW: A Tale of Two Rebels

Michelle Dean · 03/10/14 04:19PM

Julian Assange appeared, as we told you before, by Skype at SXSW over the weekend. Set against a green-screened Wikileaks logo, wearing a scarf straight from the Doctor Who wardrobe department and an actually respectable showing of facial hair, he gave his usual kind of speech. That's to say, one grounded in a lot of really honorable principles about disclosure and democracy and openness and how constant surveillance undermines all of those things.

The NSA Has Its Own Advice Columnist

Taylor Berman · 03/07/14 03:12PM

Here's perhaps the only lighthearted revelation from Edward Snowden's NSA leaks: The spy agency has its own advice columnist. The anonymous writer, who uses the pen name "Zelda," has covered everything from flip-flops in the office to nosey supervisors.

Obama: NSA Surveillance Is Awesome and Also Awful and Um... Yeah. USA!

Adam Weinstein · 01/17/14 12:15PM

In response to the uproar over NSA spying allegations, President Obama called for modest reforms to federal data collection Friday in a long, complicated speech that tried to thread a difficult needle, appearing adequately patriotic and tough on terror while respecting Americans' civil liberties.

Revealed: The Burglars Who Stole a Whole Office of Files from the FBI

Sarah Hedgecock · 01/07/14 11:50AM

Long before Edward Snowden, there were the eight burglars who, in the spring of 1971, stole an entire office's worth of secret documents in an attempt to take down J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. Now, nearly 43 years later, five of them have come forward.