It's a dream come true for most kids: The teacher is too lazy or hungover to teach, so he or she pops in a movie instead.

But one sixth grade class in France probably regrets begging the teacher to show them a movie after the experience proved to be a waking nightmare.

According to French radio network Europe 1, a math teacher from Colombes has been suspended after he allegedly screened the infamous "torture porn" film Saw to a classroom full of 11-year-olds.

"This will be your first horror film," Jean-Baptiste Clément reportedly told his students.

The father of one of the traumatized pupils says he brought the incident to the attention of the school after his boy came home visibly distraught and he asked him what was up.

At a disciplinary meeting today, the teacher was handed a one-day suspension to allow the school to conduct a thorough investigation.

A rep for the district said the teacher might receive more severe punishment once the investigation is complete.

A similar incident occurred recently in Georgia, where a sixth-grade teacher was caught showing R-rated movies to his class. Students said he would regularly warn them "that what goes on in this classroom, stays in the classroom."

[screengrab via Saw]