
Teacher Quits After Student Uncovers Porn Past

Max Read · 03/09/11 12:45AM

Tera Myers, a science teacher at Parkway North High School in Missouri, sought administrative leave after one of her students found out she'd been a porn actress some 15 years earlier. Sad! And sadder still that it's not the first time it's happened to her:

America's Classrooms: Crowded, Broke, and Run by Poors

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/11 11:34AM

Remember a few years back how all the people who care about children went on a whole kick about smaller class sizes? They were all, "Smaller class sizes are the key to educational success," blah blah, passing laws.

Providence Issues Dismissal Notices To Every Teacher

Jim Newell · 02/24/11 03:29PM

Each one of the 1,926 teachers working for the Providence School Department was sent a dismissal notice this week, in a move officials say was necessary to deal with a projected deficit of almost $40 million next year.

Mother Publicly Shames Child with Low GPA

Brian Moylan · 02/21/11 02:39PM

A mother in Tampa put her 15-year-old son on a street corner wearing a sign that read "GPA 1.22...Honk if I need education." Apparently she tried everything to get the kid to get his grades up but nothing worked and shame, she realized, is a very powerful motivator. Maybe we should make this lady Secretary of Education or something.

GPS Tracking the Only Way to Get Kids to Go to School

Adrian Chen · 02/18/11 06:25PM

A California elementary school is launching a six-week pilot program to track their young students like so many wild bobcats. Kids with a lot of absences will be able to volunteer to be tracked with GPS in order to make sure they are in school learning, instead of doing the sex and the gangs out on the street. From the Orange County Register:

Dead Newborn Found at Oprah Winfrey's South African Girls' School

John Cook · 02/18/11 01:24PM

Oprah Winfrey's opulent vanity project, the Leadership Academy for Girls in Johannesburg, continues its tragic slide from hope-filled dream-school to dysfunctional hellhole. First there were Winfrey's attempts to cut off her students from their families. Then there was the school matron accused of sexually molesting the girls. And now a 17-year-old student there has concealed her pregnancy and given birth to a child that was found dead "in a plastic bag filled with bloodied clothes."

Private School Parents Have Their Own Problems to Worry About

Hamilton Nolan · 02/15/11 01:21PM

In Texas, school districts are so low on money that they're selling ads on school buses, thanks to the "largest cuts to public education since World War II." In New York, many school districts are staring down 14% budget cuts, which educators fear will "widen the funding gap between wealthier and poorer school districts." Federal student aid programs are in for multibillion-dollar cuts of their own. And among the parents of children in Manhattan's most exclusive private elementary schools, a separate, but equally pressing, worry: is Emma beating her peers, enough?

James Franco to Teach Class About Himself

Maureen O'Connor · 02/01/11 01:59PM

James Franco grabs overexposure by the balls, then teabags it, in Columbia College Hollywood's Master Class: Editing James Franco… with James Franco, in which film students edit footage of James Franco under James Franco's tutelage while James Franco films them.

Massachusetts Has the Smartest Kids in the Country

Richard Lawson · 01/24/11 02:01PM

The mighty Bay State, home of the fightin' Red Sox and gay divorces, has the smartest, and thus best, kids in the nation. According to standardized test scores at least. And we all know those are always completely reliable!

Turns Out Comic Sans Is Good for Something

Max Read · 01/14/11 01:45AM

Poor Comic Sans! The favorite font of administrative assistants and H.R. representatives everywhere is deeply hated by so-called "design nerds." But guess what, design nerds? Poor unpopular Comic Sans might actually have a beneficial use. Because it's so horrifically ugly.