
Party Balloons Should Cost $100 Because We're 'Running Out' of Helium

Max Read · 08/24/10 12:57AM

Thanks to artificially low prices, helium reserves could be entirely depleted in 100 years—jeopardizing the space and nuclear industries, which use the element for crucial components and processes. That squeaky voice isn't so funny anymore, is it?

Are Republicans Trying to Ruin the Economy?

Max Read · 06/25/10 02:34AM

On Thursday, 40 Senate Republicans and one Democrat (Ben Nelson, of course) successfully filibustered a cautious attempt at extending widely agreed-upon tax cuts and necessary unemployment benefits. This, despite having voted to extend similar tax cuts for years. What gives?

The SEC Was Watching Porn While You Lost Your Job

Max Read · 04/23/10 03:05AM

Did pornography cause the recession? According to the AP, the answer is: Probably! Over the last five years, the SEC has conducted 33 separate probes into "employees looking at explicit images"—explicit porno images. Let the "SEC/SEX" jokes begin!

Extreme Makeover: Home Foreclosure Edition

Jeff Neumann · 04/06/10 04:22AM

Watching Ty Pennington smash old walls and slap coats of lacquer on new home bowling lanes for struggling families was heartwarming. And the family who got to live in a castle… a real fairytale ending! Then the economy crashed.

Stop Your Whining, Americans. We're Rich!

Andrew Belonsky · 09/18/09 05:30AM

In the face of the recession, Americans saved more money and stopped borrowing. Meanwhile, stock prices started rising. All this gave households the highest amount of wealth they've had in two years. Let's go shopping! [WSJ]