
How Will Americans Spend the Obama Tax Cuts?

Max Read · 12/17/10 11:48AM

The House of Representatives just approved the $858 billion tax package brokered between Republicans and President Obama! How will Americans in the lowest, highest, and median income brackets be spending that money? We break it down in a handy chart.

New Yorkers Are Most Stressed-Out People in the U.S.

Max Read · 11/09/10 09:30PM

A new study found that the economy is causing stress in 75 percent of New Yorkers—highest in the country. Other stresses include "health issues, housing costs and personal safety." What they're not stressed about: finding good Thai food.

Glenn Beck Explains The Economy With a Puppet Show

Kate Shapiro · 11/09/10 06:11PM

Glenn Beck can always be counted on to take metaphors way too far. Today, in order to expose evil, liberal "puppet-master" George Soros, he puts on his own puppet show. Glenn Beck, the next great thespian of our times?

New Unemployment Figures Show That You're Still Unemployed

Jim Newell · 10/08/10 11:10AM

The unemployment rate held steady at 9.6% last month, while the economy added 64,000 private sector jobs and cut 160,000 public sector jobs. This was "far worse" than economists had been predicting, but it sounds about right.