
PS-eh? The Craziest Canadian Public Service Announcements

Robyn Caplan · 03/04/10 12:45PM

Like all youths in my country, I sat in my family's homestead watching in rapt attention, internalizing the Canadian values transmitted through these messages. These crazy PS-ehs are remembered fondly and have become Canadian memes threaded through our personal history.

British Soldiers Trip on LSD

Michael Jordan · 03/01/10 01:13PM

In 1964, the British armed forces tested the effects of LSD on British marines. Their goal was to discover a non-lethal method of incapacitating enemy forces and, if this historical footage is any indication, they found one.

Welsh Smack-Addicts in Love

Arianna Reiche · 02/16/10 12:28PM

Need your fix of romance post-Valentines? Need to convince that special someone that shooting up is super-gross? The first of the "Swansea Love Story," a VBS documentary following the ups and downs of a Welsh junkie couple, has been released.

(Not So) Taboo: Potheads and Zealots and Junkies, Oh My!

Florabel Mulvaney · 02/04/10 03:32PM

So last night's Taboo didn't really go out on a limb as far as bringing us unbelievable freakiness that's actually stigmatized. But they did give us lots of drugz, and the folks who turn to 'em to ease(?) their troubles.

Plunging Profits for NYC Pot Dealers

cityfile · 01/20/10 11:22AM

It isn't just conservative lawmakers who are worried about New Jersey's new medical marijuana law, which gives people with debilitating diseases the right to purchase up to two ounces of marijuana each month. Pot dealers are concerned, too! "It's going to cut a lot of the bridge-and-tunnel customers," one dealer tells the Daily News, adding that if he tried to compete with the legal stuff based on price, he'd lose "hundreds of thousands of dollars a year." If you're out of work and were thinking about dealing a bit on the side to pay the bills—not such a bad idea, at least up until now!—you make want to think about some other way to make quick cash. [NYDN]

The White Stuff

Adrian Chen · 01/14/10 08:45PM

A worker found "a small amount of white powder residue that was later confirmed to be cocaine" in the hanger of the shuttle Discovery at Kennedy Space Center. Great, now drug cartels are using space shuttles to ferry coke. [Space.com]

High Times in Jersey

cityfile · 01/11/10 04:25PM

"The New Jersey Legislature approved a measure on Monday that would make the state the first in the region and the 14th in the nation to legalize the use of marijuana for medical reasons." [NYT]

Jet Lag Treatment Options of The Future

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/10 01:31PM

Pharma company Cephalon is trying to win FDA approval for one of its drugs, Nuvigil, to be used specifically to fight jet lag. How does it do this magical task? By keeping you awake. It's a stimulant. It "would be approved to treat only the sleepiness associated with jet lag disorder - not to shift the body's clock to the new time zone." So your jet lag treatment options would be as follows:

Is Rush Back on the Pills?

Maureen O'Connor · 01/01/10 02:10PM

Was Rush Limbaugh's Hawaiian hospitalization drug-related? This line from a report about his medical crisis raises a flag: "Limbaugh told emergency crews that he was having chest pains and had been taking medication for back trouble."