
Pilots Are Now Allowed to Fly While on Antidepressants

Ravi Somaiya · 04/02/10 03:51PM

But why, you ask: "The change in policy... is aimed in part at clueing the government in on how many pilots suffer from a disease whose symptoms can include thoughts of suicide, FAA officials said." [AP]

Philly’s Hottest Nightclub Doubles as a Kindergarten

Jeff Neumann · 03/31/10 04:40AM

Club Damani, known by day as Harambee Charter School, offers dancing, drinking, rapping, and an expired liquor license. State officials aren't happy about this. But they should relax, because the club's in-house performer says, "Yo, I got that weed."

California to Vote on Legalizing Marijuana

Jeff Neumann · 03/25/10 04:44AM

Come November, the state may be the first in the US to legalize, and therefore tax, weed. A $20 billion budget deficit may have something to do with it. But isn't it already legal there or something? [LA Times]

Meth Head Bikers Terrorize California Sheriff’s Department

Jeff Neumann · 03/19/10 04:48AM

The Vagos motorcycle gang is being labeled "terrorists" after setting booby traps in and around a gang task force building in Riverside County. Sheriff's Captain Walter Meyer said "Obviously we have angered somebody." [AP]

Britain Tries to Ban Party Drug “Meow Meow”

Jeff Neumann · 03/17/10 05:15AM

The recent deaths of two teens have been blamed on the legal drug mephedrone, which is marketed as plant fertilizer, and causes "headaches, palpitations, nausea, high blood pressure, a burning throat, nose bleeds and purple joints, weight loss and insomnia."

Take a Trip with this IHOP Ad from the 60's

Frank Cozzarelli · 03/10/10 05:14PM

Although they were doubtlessly trying to present a wholesome image, there's something about this ad that makes you feel like you're on drugs. What is it about grainy footage of people running through a field with balloons that suggests LSD?

Keep Calm and Carry On (or Die)

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/10 11:48AM

Want to live a long, healthy life? Listen to science! Get off your ass, stop being sexually abused, and never get angry, or have a headache, or—worst of all—have an angry abusive headache. We're watching science, calmly!

Oscars Exclusive: Stars Enjoy Cocaine

gawker.com · 03/06/10 07:15PM

We interviewed two cocaine dealers—one who deals with young Hollywood and one who looks after the old-school connoisseurs. They both expected business to double, but for very different reasons.