
Heroin About to Get a Whole Lot More Expensive

Jeff Neumann · 05/13/10 07:40AM

A mysterious fungus is wreaking havoc on Afghanistan's opium poppies, which account for 92% of the world's supply. Local farmers blame the US military and NATO after a white substance appeared on their crops. The United Nations blames nature.

Police Ain't Gonna Tell You How to Raise Your Baby

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 04:02PM

You know the thing where parents force their kid to smoke a cigarette, to teach them that smoking's nasty? You get arrested for that now. Although to be fair, five is maybe too young. Also the mom had weed. [AP]

Anti-Weed Vigilantes Firebomb Montana Clinics

Jeff Neumann · 05/11/10 04:24AM

Police in Billings, Montana, are looking for two young men suspected of attacking medical marijuana dispensaries with molotov cocktails and spray painting "NOT IN OUR TOWN" on the walls. Clinic owners say they won't be intimidated by these thugs. [AP]

Deadliest Catch Employee Trapped in Giant Drug Sting

Brian Moylan · 05/07/10 10:49AM

Matthew Schneider, a 22-year-old production manager who worked on the show, is one of many charged in a drug bust in Alaskan fishing center Unalaska. He is still on the run, and he's implicated other show employees of drug running.

DC to Vote on Legalizing Weed Today

Jeff Neumann · 05/04/10 06:54AM

Residents of the District are getting excited about today's vote on legalizing medical marijuana. One man hopes to eventually open a café called "Wakey Bakey." To get the story, The Washington Post went looking for, and found, lots of weed.

Arizona Department of Education Hates Accents

Jeff Neumann · 04/30/10 05:26AM

Oh, Arizona. First this, then this, and now this: The state is cracking down on school teachers with accents in an effort to secure Anglo dominance in the southwest, because Arizona is a state where we speak English, okay?

Coachella Reveals Inverse Relationship Between Drug Use and Flip Flops

Jessica Poolt · 04/22/10 09:21AM

Despite what the haters would have you believe, keeping the union between flip flops and feet intact requires much skill, focus and concentration. Watch this festival bro trip between consciousnesses as he struggles to regain his footing on reality.