
We Have 'The Worst of All Possible Worlds' To Look Forward To

Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/13 09:57AM

Amid all of the hustle and bustle of daily news headlines, useless celebrity minutiae, and the mundane workaday distractions of our own lives, it can be useful at times to take a step back, get some perspective, and remember the "big picture:" we're all doomed.

Your Retirement Savings Are Laughably Insufficient

Hamilton Nolan · 03/19/13 10:07AM

When we say, as we often do, "You will never retire," while pointing directly at you and waving a fistful of dollar bills and burning an American flag, it is not meant to be taken as a jeer; rather, it is our way of soberly guiding your attention to the distressing probability that you, personally, have little chance of attaining the type of comfortable retirement afforded to earlier generations, and will probably spend your "golden years" desperately trying to live off your meager backyard garden, until you grow too decrepit to work it, at which point you will, in all likelihood, simply starve.

Student Debt Is Perfectly Following the Financial Meltdown Script

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/13 09:56AM

Just when the stock market recovers and public optimism returns and you start to lose faith in the power of American capitalism to constantly repeat its past mistakes in the form of foreseeable boom-and-bust cycles that always end in massive losses, the system steps up to reinforce your belief in humanity's fundamental unwillingness to learn from past mistakes, ever. Hello, looming student loan meltdown!

Just FYI, One of the World's Smartest Money Men Says a Crash Worse Than 2008 Is Coming

Hamilton Nolan · 03/01/13 11:05AM

Stanley Druckenmiller is a legendary hedge fund manager, former partner of George Soros, and billionaire investor. He is one of the more levelheaded and reasonable of the hedge fund gods. He's made billions of dollars by reading the world economy correctly for several decades. So it's worth at least passing on the fact that he is convinced that a new financial crash is looming for America. Worse than the last one!

The End of Winter, and Other Horrifying New Global Warming Projections

Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/12 02:23PM

It only took a handful of freak killer storms devastating our economic and cultural capitals for Americans to get real about the perils of global warming. You know who is the most interested in figuring out exactly how bad global warming will be? The people with all the money, who have the most to lose. That is a good reason to tremble in fear at this new World Bank forecast.

These Melting Ice Caps Could Be Great for Business

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/12 08:34AM

Leading scientific expert Peter Wadhams warned this week that it may be only four years until the Arctic—a place once known for its ice—experiences a total melting of its sea ice in the summer months. Wadhams called this a "global disaster" with "terrible" implications. Well Prof. Wadhams, perhaps you should change your name to Prof. Deborah Downer? Because it looks like you forgot about all the money$$$??

Abominable Inequality and Woeful Immorality Characterize the News Today, and Always

Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/12 08:35AM

The news this morning: America continues to be a society starkly divided, in which a wealthy fortunate minority diligently works to prepare its own children for a future of perpetuating their social and economic dominance, while the less fortunate majority struggles simply to survive. It's Tuesday.

On Top of Everything Else, There's Whooping Cough

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/12 08:55AM

Economic decline, unemployment, political strife, violence, taxes, crying kids, lazy spouses, broken homes, filthy streets, unwatered lawns, stubbed toes, cracked iPhone screens, food stuck in your teeth. Where does it end? Well, as if that weren't enough to worry about, add one more thing to the list: whooping cough. Yep. There's an outbreak right now. Worst one in half a century. Vaccines wearing off, and whatnot. As if we needed that. Ain't it always something?

Parched Nation Wilts in Well-Deserved Drought

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/12 08:35AM

For centuries, Americans have strutted about boldly as masters of our natural domains. Forest? Clear it. River? Dam it. Lake? Drain it. Endangered species? See if it is tasty when covered in Cheez™. We have comported ourselves as gods, and expected that the rest of the world would bow to our haughty demands. So this summer, as your lawn withers and your faucets run dry and your neighbors arm themselves for the coming Water Wars, rest assured: we deserve this drought.

Bees Are the New Terrorists: We Must Launch a War on Bees

Hamilton Nolan · 06/28/12 08:31AM

Though our grandparents are often referred to as "The Greatest Generation," we, too, will make our mark in history as the generation that endured merciless war without end. First, the War on Drugs; then, the War on Terror; and now—everyone, please load your weapons—the War on Bees.

Sea to Swallow California

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/12 08:50AM

California, the doomed and sun-scorched absurdity ruled by Bloods, Crips, Mickey Mouse, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, will sink into the thirsty lips of the merciless ocean by century's end, according to scientists. The time to flee is now.

Don't Look Now But A Whole Freaking Galaxy Is Coming Straight For Us

Hamilton Nolan · 06/04/12 09:37AM

Yeah, don't get up off of your La-Z-Boy reclining chair or anything, but just to let you know, right this very second, while you're seeing how many Cheez™ Stix you can fit into your mouth before swallowing, there is a whole freaking galaxy of super-hot flaming stars COMING RIGHT AT US.

America's Diet Mainly Consists of Soda

Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/12 10:10AM

Soda: the fizzy plague. The nectar of diabeetus. The bubbles of death. The artificial flavors and colors of tongue fun. Americans are drinking less soda these days, what with the undeniable public realization that that shit is poison, and the associated social shaming that goes with being a poison drinker. And thank god for that. But to be clear: you, Americans, you fools, still drink way too much poison swill of doom (soda).