
'I can't stop crying. America died': Donald Trump and Victoria Jackson Melt Down on Twitter

Max Read · 11/07/12 12:47AM

While most of us are celebrating Mitt Romney's defeat in the streets by legally smoking marijuana and gay-marrying randomly-chosen passers-by, not everyone is quite so happy. And thanks to Twitter, we know about it. Vibrating bologna loaf Donald Trump, mistakenly believing that Romney won the popular vote, is calling for "revolution," — revolution! — while former SNL actress Victoria Jackson is sobbing and telling Christians that they "disgust" her. We've saved all of their most embarrassing (some already deleted) Tweets here:

'It's a Stupid Request': Guardian Writer Tries Unsuccessfully to Get Trump to Release His Own College and Passport Records

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/25/12 12:42PM

Following Donald Trump's game-changing October Surprise — a decidedly unserious promise to donate $5 million to Obama's charity of choice if the president releases his college and passport records to Trump's "satisfaction" — Guardian writer Adam Gabbatt thought it would be only fair to ask Trump to release his own college and passport records, so he phoned up Trump's special counsel, Trump Organization executive VP Michael Cohen.

October Surprise! Donald Trump Reminds Us He's Worthless

Robert Kessler · 10/24/12 01:06PM

At long last, Donald Trump released his highly anticipated "October surprise" on YouTube today. Rumors were swirling for days about what the major announcement was going to be; the announcement that the animated toupe said was "bordering on gigantic."

Donald Trump Replaces Sarah Palin As Your Top GOP Webtroll

Drew Magary · 09/13/12 01:15PM

The reviews of Mitt Romney's reaction to the Libya crisis this week were uniformly damning. But Donald Trump, little orange scamp that he is, knows solid trolling material when he sees it. Which is why he just offered up the above tweet, which accuses the President of being friends with terrorists. Because at this point, why not? Your man Romney is getting his ass kicked in the polls, so why not lay all your cards out on the table and accuse the President of virtually everything possible? Terrorism. Murder. Incest. Once you've crossed the line into blatant slander, you may as well go all the way.

A List of Everyone Donald Trump Called Loser

Prachi Gupta · 08/16/12 04:09PM

Avid Tamagatchi and fine-toothed comb collector Donald Trump knows a thing or two about the word "loser." Namely, Donald Trump knows when it can best be used to describe a person, place, business, television show, or thing.

Romney Poised for Second Consecutive Win, Not That Gingrich Cares

Louis Peitzman · 02/04/12 11:35AM

Once again, Mitt Romney has a significant lead in a Republican caucus — this time in the Mormon-heavy state of Nevada. CNN reports that the Republican frontrunner is well ahead of his opponents, which should come as no surprise to those who remember Romney's showing in 2008. (He's big in Nevada.)

Donald Trump's Endorsement of Mitt Romney Leads to Some Class Warfare on the Set of the Daily Show

Matt Toder · 02/02/12 11:28PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Donald Trump's endorsement of Mitt Romney lead to a discussion about class warfare between Jon Stewart and correspondent John Hodgman. More accurately, it is the case that Hodgman has no stomach for Stewart's brand of liberal whining about the rich having it all and some such. It's a spirited debate, one that touches the very essence of what kind of place this nation truly is. Or maybe it's filled with vague platitudes about "haves" and "soon to haves." Either way.

Five Things to Pay Attention To Instead of Donald Trump's "Major Announcement" Tomorrow

Nell Jensen · 02/01/12 07:23PM

Uh-oh, guys: Donald Trump just tweeted that he will be making a "major announcement" tomorrow. Is he maniacally ridiculous enough to run as an independent candidate for President? Is he ending his awful reality show? (Is his show even still on? We stopped watching after they got rid of Omorosa.) Is he perhaps going to half-endorse a candidate just to copy Sarah Palin? Did he write a book of Ronald Reagan fan fiction? Oh well, no one cares. Every photon of limelight shed on this peripatetic gasbag contributes directly to the girth of his already morbidly obese ego. Seriously. Therefore, here is a list of five things cool or inconsequential things on the Internets for you to read about or watch tomorrow during his idiotic "announcement" whatever it is, because they are all more interesting than Donald Trump:

The Year in Lies

John Cook · 12/29/11 02:19PM

Lies: They travel halfway round the world before the truth gets its boots on. If you don't tell them, you never have to remember anything. Ask me no questions and I won't tell you any. The year that now comes to an end was, like all years, riddled with them. Grand lies and small ones, grave ones and frivolous ones, true ones and false ones—check that. They were all false. Here is a list of some of them that really caught my attention.