
What's Donald Trump Doing With All This Meat?

Brendan O'Connor · 03/08/16 07:55PM

Tonight, there is a pile of meat sitting next to the stage from which Donald Trump will address his supporters following the Republican primaries. The exact provenance and purpose of the steaks is unclear at this time, although Trump aides are telling reporters that they are Trump Steaks.

Romney's Dumb Trump Speech May Have Actually Increased Support for Trump

Andy Cush · 03/08/16 10:38AM

Pretty much everyone agreed that Mittens “Glittens” Romney’s last ditch attempt at dethroning Trump last week was doomed from the beginning. Romney is the very embodiment of the slick GOP establishment Trump is tearing apart—how could a condemnation from him do anything to sway Trump’s supporters? But the worst that could have happened was a waste of Mitt’s time, with no minds changed, so why not? Right? Right?

Correction: Ted Cruz Still Friendless 

Allie Jones · 03/08/16 10:03AM

At 7:54 p.m. yesterday, National Review reported that the odious Ted Cruz was set to receive endorsements from four of his Senate colleagues this week. An hour later, the magazine corrected the entire report, calling it “erroneous.”

Ted Cruz, Please Help Us, We Have No Idea How to Stop Donald Trump

Sam Biddle · 03/07/16 11:38AM

Ted Cruz has a new theory: the American political media is in possession of “bombshell” stories about Donald Trump that could ruin him, but are choosing to not publish them for some reason. Ted, I’m here to tell you: we’ve got nothing, and we’re all really fucking freaked out about it.

Chinese Investors Finance Trump-Branded Kushner Tower in Exchange for Visas

Brendan O'Connor · 03/06/16 11:58PM

Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has fixated on China’s increasing economic influence as exemplary of America’s failure to win anymore. He has not, however, thus far mentioned Chinese investors’ involvement in financing a Trump-branded tower in New Jersey being built by his son-in-law.

These Are Some People You Could Meet at CPAC

Simon Zachary Chetrit · 03/05/16 06:52PM

At CPAC, shirts are red, people are very predominantly white and “blue lives” matter. From a record attendance of well over 10,000, here are a few portraits of people who paid between $70 and $5,000 to cheer wildly for Dinesh D’Souzas’ new movie trailer and boo about “the Donald Trumps of the left,” whoever they might be.

Why Can't Donald Trump Just Use Spellcheck?

Melissa Cronin · 03/05/16 12:55PM

“How would you spell that? L-Y-E-N, with a big apostrophe,” said Donald Trump, a man who is dangerously close to leading a country of 300 million.