
Trump Rally Canceled Before Descending Into Chaos 

Ashley Feinberg · 03/11/16 08:22PM

Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago was canceled amid safety concerns this evening after an entire section of attendees turned out to be protestors, sending the arena and surrounding area into chaos.

How Breitbart Protected Donald Trump by Hanging Michelle Fields Out to Dry

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/16 02:51PM

Michelle Fields, a reporter for the archconservative news outlet Breitbart, was asking Donald Trump a question this past Tuesday when a man, identified by at least one eyewitness as Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, grabbed her arm hard enough to leave a bruise and pulled her forcefully away from the candidate. Since then, pro-Trump reporters, flacks and even Trump himself have attempted to discredit Fields, but the most egregious discrediting efforts have come from Breitbart itself—a cozy, pro-Trump outlet that began gaslighting its own employee almost immediately after the incident, and has not let up since.

Donald Trump Is Straight Up Lying About the Sucker Punch at His Rally

Jordan Sargent · 03/11/16 11:05AM

At a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, an old white dude blindsided a black protester with a punch simply for being a non-white person publicly showing his opposition to Donald Trump. This is not in dispute: On Inside Edition (lol), the sucker-puncher, John McGraw, said, “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”

Trump Says His Goon Supporters Beat Up Protesters Because They Deserve It

Brendan O'Connor · 03/10/16 11:05PM

Asked tonight whether he uses rhetoric that might encourage violence at his campaign rallies, Donald Trump said, “I hope not. I truly hope not.” He also seemed to imply that any protestors who are on the receiving end of Trump-supporter violence were probably themselves being violent.

Trump Supporter Sucker-Punches Protestor at North Carolina Rally

Ashley Feinberg · 03/10/16 10:16AM

At last night’s Trump rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, a group of protestors were being peacefully led out by security when a Trump supporter stood up and sucker-punched one of the protestors as he was walking by. The unprovoked attack was captured on video from multiple angles.

Trump Accuses Cruz and Rubio of Talking to Their Super PACs 

Brendan O'Connor · 03/08/16 11:41PM

In a characteristically rambling speech on Tuesday, Donald Trump accused Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz of coordinating with the super PACs supporting their candidacies: “They talk to their super PACs. They’re not supposed to, but that’s the way life works.”