
Gawker Is Filing to Unseal the $10 Million Lawsuit Bill O’Reilly Wants to Keep Secret

J.K. Trotter · 07/29/16 10:10AM

You may have heard that Bill O’Reilly is suing his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, for upwards of $10 million over vague claims that she somehow defrauded him in their divorce agreement in order to fund an “existing extra-marital relationship.” What you probably haven’t heard is that a New York judge recently granted the 66-year-old Fox News host’s demand to place the entire case under seal—effectively preventing the public from evaluating the merits of a civil lawsuit filed by a public figure against a private citizen. This week, Gawker Media petitioned the court to vacate that ruling and open up the proceedings.

Did Sean Penn Beat Up Madonna? An Archaeology of Hollywood’s Most Explosive Rumor

J.K. Trotter · 12/23/15 12:00PM

Sean Penn goes by a number of honorifics: actor, journalist, philanthropist, activist, humanitarian. At scattered points throughout his career, however, reporters and biographers have branded him with a much less noble title: wife beater. Since the late Eighties, numerous media outlets have alleged, with varying degrees of specificity and confidence, that Penn is guilty of assaulting—in some versions, torturing—his ex-wife of four years, Madonna. But are these accounts actually true?

Bill O’Reilly Accused of Domestic Violence in Custody Battle

J.K. Trotter · 05/18/15 01:00PM

Three weeks ago, a Nassau County Supreme Court justice ended a bitter three-year custody dispute between Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly and his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, by granting custody of the couple’s two minor children to McPhilmy. Though nearly all documents pertaining to New York family court cases are sealed, Gawker has learned that the justice in the case heard testimony accusing O’Reilly of physically assaulting his wife in the couple’s Manhasset home.

George Zimmerman Arrested for Domestic Violence, Again

Hudson Hongo · 01/10/15 10:30AM

George Zimmerman, America's chosen mascot for the reasonable use of lethal force, was arrested in Florida late Friday night on suspicion of domestic violence and aggravated assault with a weapon, again. At a court hearing Saturday morning, a judge granted Zimmerman a $5,000 bond.

My Abuser Was Quiet

Stacey Muhammad · 09/20/14 03:27PM

My abuser was quiet, soft-spoken and charming. He was the kind of man who would knock you down a flight of stairs then run down to kiss every wound. Despite the signs, he didn't fit the description of a violent person in my mind. I ignored the storm that was brewing and convinced myself that since he hadn't hit me, I in fact was not in an abusive relationship.

Hannity Guest: Janay Rice "Knocked Herself Out," Ray Is "Bigger Victim"

Allie Jones · 09/12/14 09:09AM

A. J. Delgado, a National Review columnist whose best-known work is titled "Crying Rape," was a special guest on Sean Hannity's radio show this week. Hannity got her take on the video of NFL star Ray Rice knocking his then-fiancée Janay out cold in an elevator, because why not? Here's Delgado's theory: Ray is the "bigger victim of domestic violence," because actually, Janay "knocked herself out."