A. J. Delgado, a National Review columnist whose best-known work is titled "Crying Rape," was a special guest on Sean Hannity's radio show this week. Hannity got her take on the video of NFL star Ray Rice knocking his then-fiancée Janay out cold in an elevator, because why not? Here's Delgado's theory: Ray is the "bigger victim of domestic violence," because actually, Janay "knocked herself out."

This isn't exactly surprising coming from an Ann Coulter-wannabe who's made a small career out of claiming rape victims are making it up, but her reasoning is truly astounding:

Some might say I'm defending Ray Rice here. Maybe I am, but if you watch the video, the video actually helps makes him look better than he did before. She repeatedly attacked him. He's a victim—flat-out fact—of domestic violence. Only after she's hit him several times and spit on him does he finally hit back. ... And she happens because of that blow to knock herself out on the railing. That was an unintended consequence, I'm sure.

Basically, in Delgado's view, the video that's horrified the public and sent the NFL into a tailspin actually absolves Ray Rice. Not even Hannity buys this.

She finished up her argument with another "I'm just saying":

I thought we live in this gender-neutral society. Liberals are always telling us men and women are exactly the same, they should not be treated any differently. But when it comes to domestic violence or rape accusations, the woman is automatically the wallflower, automatically the victim. I would love to have a liberal explain that to me.

Huh. Anyone?

[Photo via Youtube, Ht Rawstory]