
Is Big Labor Done with the Democratic Party?

Jim Newell · 08/25/11 11:56AM

The relationship between "Big Labor," especially the AFL-CIO, and the Democratic party over the last few years has been painfully one-sided. Unions raise large sums of cash for Democrats in federal elections, help them whip up support for major votes, and get nothing in return. Is labor finally ready to reconsider this terrible deal? Perhaps!

George Soros Made His Gal Pal Sit at the Kids' Table

Lauri Apple · 08/13/11 03:21PM

A "friend" of George Soros says the 81-year-old Hungarian mogul used to make his Brazilian ex-girlfriend Adriana Ferreyr sit at the children's table during his Sunday brunches in the Hamptons—ostensibly because she's 28, which is very young.

U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded for First Time

Max Read · 08/06/11 08:48AM

When you woke up this morning, did everything seem a little less... reliable? It did, didn't it? That's because credit ratings agency Standard & Poor's no longer regards the U.S. as a risk-free borrower, despite a $2 trillion error in its initial accounting.

Do Democrats Have a Plan for the Next Hostage Crisis?

Jim Newell · 08/04/11 02:24PM

Congressional Republicans have become quite talented at taking legislative "hostages" at crucial junctures, making extreme demands, unifying behind them, and ultimately rolling Democrats into embracing horrible pieces of legislation. Maybe it's time for Democrats to come up with a plan for this sort of thing. So are they? Sorta.

Real Democrats Beat Fakers In Wisconsin Recall Primaries

TPM · 07/12/11 10:32PM

Wisconsin Democrats have easily fended off a Republican ploy in the state Senate recalls, with the official Dem candidates in each of six races easily defeating Republican activists who also filed in the Democratic primaries. But Republicans have not failed to reap some advantages from the situation.

Fun New Right-Wing Meme Barely Lasts a Day

Max Read · 06/28/11 08:01PM

Did you hear that Obama wants to spy on all the doctors to ensure that they're utilizing proper Kenyan medical techniques? No? You must be getting your news from the liberal media establishment, then!

Even Gay Marriage Requires Super-Rich Libertarians

Max Read · 06/25/11 11:25AM

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal both have behind-the-scenes accounts of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's successful push for gay marriage in New York. And (surprise!) the key was a bunch of rich Republicans.

Obama: If I Were Weiner, I'd Resign

Max Read · 06/13/11 05:18PM

What would President Obama do if he was caught sending pictures of his erect penis to women he met on the internet? "I can tell you that if it was me, I would resign," he told NBC's Ann Curry.

Republican Professors Are Racist, Study More or Less Says

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/11 11:33AM

A new study—which will doubtlessly be oversimplified and distorted by liberal blogs like us in order to demonize those whose political beliefs we find repulsive—has found that Democratic professors grade like this ("I am a laid-back hippie"), while Republican professors grade like this ("All the black students fail!").

Firefighters Break Up With National Democrats

Max Read · 04/26/11 11:11PM

The International Association of Fire Fighters—the sexiest of all unions—has announced that it's suspending all of its contributions to federal candidates "out of frustration with Congressional Democrats." Which is not an uncommon feeling these days! But the firefighters' union donated nearly $2 million to Democratic candidates for the 2010 elections, so their spending suspension may be taken a bit more seriously than mine. "We're feeling taken for granted," the union's president, Harold Schaitberger, told The New York Times, which seems reasonable—after all, they don't just donate money and support Democratic candidates; they also fight fires, in peoples' homes. IAFF's dough will now go to state and local-level candidates, especially in states where unions are being threatened by Tea Party jerkoffs. Expect Senate Democrats to respond by sucking up extra hard to rich people. [NYT; image via AP]

D.C. Mayor Arrested During Protest Of Abortion Rider In Budget Deal

Max Read · 04/11/11 10:35PM

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and 40 other protesters—including members of the city council—were arrested by Capitol Police on Monday after they blocked Constitution Avenue near the Capitol in protest of aspects of the budget deal reached by Congress which limit the city's autonomy, specifically prohibiting the use of DC public funds for abortions.