Dems Could Start Forcing Weiner Out Tomorrow

As Rep. Anthony Weiner (presumably) gets a stern talking-to from his wife, Democratic leaders are planning to meet tomorrow to discuss the possibility of stripping the congressman of his seat on the Energy and Commerce Committee.
The move, according to Politico, would be "part of a larger push to force him out of office" after Weiner admitted to exchanging sexy internet messages with women across the country, but current party rules require at least one week's notice before the whole caucus can vote.
Top Democrats have been calling for Weiner's resignation since this weekend; on Monday, President Obama told NBC's Ann Curry that he would resign if he were in Weiner's, uh, briefs. The congressman himself has made no firm commitment, saying that he would discuss the next step with his wife when she returned from a State Department trip to Europe—which she did earlier today.