
Old People Talking about Twitter

Ryan Tate · 08/18/09 10:20AM

CSPAN has assembled an adorable package of the Washington, DC TV pundit gerontocracy trying to come to terms with The Twitter; naturally we've reduced this to only the most embarrassing bits.

Where Is the Great American News City?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/09 04:28PM

Gambling, gangsters, celebrities, creeps—Las Vegas is "journalism heaven," says this guy. OH? We know a few cities that would dispute that. Newspapers may be dying, but news is alive and well. Where are America's Best Stories? Candidates below!

The Liberal Media Mafia's Secret Listserv of Smugness

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/09 09:17AM

Are you aware that there is a secret "listserv" populated by Washington's most self-important journalists, where they conspire on how to control the world via their influential ramblings? This thing is big! And secret!

Barack Obama's CIO a Confessed Thief

Owen Thomas · 03/17/09 08:34AM

In the annals of vetting, this will go down as the most laughable miss ever: Vivek Kundra, the D.C. official tapped by Obama to run government technology, pleaded guilty to a theft charge in 1997.

Maybe We'll All Get to See the Coffins Come In

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/09 11:35AM

Ever since the heroic War on Terror began, the Pentagon hasn't let the media cover the arrival home of the coffins of dead US soldiers. Now maybe they'll loosen that ban...because the Pentagon hates war?