Octogenarian Anti-Semite Opens Fire Inside D.C.'s Holocaust Museum

Updated:An elderly anti-Semite named James W. von Brunn is believed to be the shooter at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. Author of anti-Semitic Kill the Best Gentiles, he's known as a hero among white supremacists.
According to the Washington Post, he walked into the museum with a shotgun shortly before 1 p.m. Though their earlier report cited three victims, it now appears that the only people shot were a security guard and the shooter himself.
At white supremacist discussion sites like Stormfront, von Brunn has been called a "racialist treasure" because of his 1999 book which argued that Jews were a deadly threat to white Americans. From its preface:

GENTILES!) you will understand that - despite loud protests of
denial - an age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western
Civilization. At this moment we are engaged in a deadly war with
the HISTORIC ENEMY to determine whether or not our Nation
will endure. We are losing that war because an Iron Curtain of
censorship has descended over the landscape abrogating the First
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Without
Freedom of Speech our system of government cannot function.
The hour is late. You and your family are in grave danger.
A typical review on Stormfront:

Here is the Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok going through a bit of von Brunn's biography on MSNBC.