
Paterson Stands His Ground

cityfile · 02/09/10 02:02PM

Gov. David Paterson gave a press conference a little while ago, ostensibly to address how the state is preparing for tonight's big snowstorm. Not surprisingly, he quickly segued to the topic everyone in the room wanted to hear him address: those rumors that have been hounding him for the past few days and the supposedly damning New York Times article that's in the works. Paterson said that he met with reporters at the paper earlier today and the topic of drugs or sex didn't come up. And if you were still thinking he was planning on resigning, think again: "The only way I'm not going to be governor next year is at the ballot box and the only way that I'll be leaving office before is in a box." [CBS News, NYDN]

The Loneliest Man in Albany

cityfile · 02/09/10 09:06AM

It's still unclear what the big "bombshell" involving David Paterson is. Or if there's one at all. Or when the New York Times plans to publish the story that has had politicos buzzing for days. But that didn't stop the governor from lashing out at his political rivals and members of the media yesterday.

Even in Scandal, Paterson Disappoints

cityfile · 02/08/10 01:26PM

Here we were expecting to hear a tawdry tale about coked-up key parties at the governor's mansion in Albany. But now word has it the much buzzed-about David Paterson scandal may not be quite as juicy as some have been suggesting, says Gabriel Sherman: "According to a source close to the Paterson camp who is familiar with the scope of the Times' reporting, the Times piece will be an in-depth profile of the governor focused on his personal character. There are likely to be new details about his marital infidelities, but the source added that it's not going to be the bombshell the blogs have predicted. "The piece is PG-13, not XXX.'" [NYM]