WPIX says the New York Times' resignation-worthy takedown-to-end-all-takedowns of David Paterson will now appear on Wednesday. If it doesn't, we're sure it will come out on Thursday, or maybe Friday. Saturday could work, too. And Sunday's always good.

Also, according to WPIX: The story centers on a "woman" from "Buffalo," and the recent explosion in salacious rumors about Paterson's swinging personal life is due to a talkative "estranged wife of 'an aide extremely close to the governor'" who's going through a bitter divorce right now. If you know who that would be, let us know.

Meanwhile, New York magazine's Gabriel Sherman attempts to throw some cold water on the speculation:

According to a source close to the Paterson camp who is familiar with the scope of the Times' reporting, the Times piece will be an in-depth profile of the governor focused on his personal character. There are likely to be new details about his marital infidelities, but the source added that it's not going to be the bombshell the blogs have predicted. "The piece is PG-13, not XXX," the source explained. "Not to say it won't be problematic, but the Aqueduct situation? That's potentially criminal. On his extramarital affairs, the question is who those people are, and what jobs they've held."

See? It's just a few ladies on the side. No big deal. Nothing like that potentially criminal "Aqueduct situation," in which Paterson appears to have handed over a state casino contract in an attempt to win a political endorsement. So there you have it—a Paterson partisan says the story's no big deal and probably won't even go into his potentially criminal activity in too much detail.

We're feeling kind of bad for Danny Hakim, Nick Confessore, and Serge Kovaleski, the Times reporters Sherman says are reporting the story. Because after all this, the bar's pretty high. And we'd hate to see this turn out to be another Vicki Iseman story.