
Darren Wilson Is Racist, As It Turns Out

Jay Hathaway · 08/03/15 11:17AM

Writing for the New Yorker, Jake Halpern has turned in the first extensive interview with Darren Wilson, the former Ferguson, Mo., cop who shot and killed black teenager Michael Brown. In conversations at his home, hidden somewhere “on the outskirts of St. Louis,” Wilson reveals he’s not exactly haunted by second thoughts about what happened: He “did his job” that day, and just wants to move on with his life.

Ferguson Grand Juror Sues Prosecutor to Speak About "Muddled" Case

Aleksander Chan · 01/05/15 03:05PM

In a federal lawsuit filed today by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, a member of the grand jury that chose not to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown is suing to lift the lifetime gag order. "Grand Juror Doe" names St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch in the suit, and alleges he presented information to the grand jury in a "muddled" and "untimely" manner.

Report: Darren Wilson's Key Witness Lied About Everything

Aleksander Chan · 12/16/14 10:12AM

In a damning new report by the Smoking Gun, a crucial witness in the grand jury deciding whether to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson is revealed as having fabricated her eyewitness account of the altercation between Wilson and unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. "Witness 40," identified as 45-year-old Sandra McElroy, has a documented history of racist remarks, criminal behavior, and mental illness.

David Brooks Loves Cops

Leah Finnegan · 12/09/14 07:05PM

David Brooks, a man with a national newspaper platform upon which he can reflect and analyze events for potentially millions of readers, is using that rich platform to ruminate on the recent grand jury non-indictments in the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, innocent men who were killed for no reason by police officers.

Darren Wilson Finally Resigns from Ferguson P.D.

Tom Scocca · 11/29/14 06:43PM

Darren Wilson has reportedly announced his resignation from the Ferguson, Missouri, police department, issuing a letter in which he writes that "my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow."

Protestors Block Traffic and Go Head-To-Head with Police Across the U.S.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/26/14 01:00AM

For the second night in a row, demonstrators across the U.S. blocked traffic and squared off with police officers in protest of the Ferguson grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer who fired six shots into an unarmed black teenager.

Darren Wilson to ABC News: I Have a Clean Conscience

Taylor Berman · 11/25/14 05:30PM

On Tuesday, Darren Wilson spoke with ABC News's George Stephanopoulos for over an hour. In the interview, a promo for which was released Tuesday afternoon, Wilson repeatedly defended killing Michael Brown in August, saying he did what he was trained to do that day and that wouldn't do anything differently. Later in the interview, Wilson told Stephanopoulos he had a clean conscience, though he said he regretted the loss of life.