ABC News aired a segment from Darren Wilson's interview with George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday night, which marked the first time the Ferguson police officer has spoken publicly since he shot Michael Brown to death in August.

During the segment, Wilson delivered his version of his minute-long encounter with Brown on August 9. Wilson also repeated a line he first used in his grand jury testimony, about feeling like "a five-year-old holding on to Hulk Hogan" while grappling with Brown.

Later in the interview, Wilson tells Stephanopolous that all he and his new wife want is a normal life.

Stephanopolous: Guess it's hard to have a normal life after someone is lying dead. Is it something you think that will always haunt you?

Wilson: I don't think it's a haunting, it's just something that happened.

Wilson also reportedly said he's sorry Brown is dead, but emphasized he wouldn't do anything differently if faced with the situation again.