
Denver Sheriff's Deputies Allegedly Come to Blows Over Day-Old Cupcake

Taylor Berman · 08/06/14 12:52PM

If violent, screaming confrontations over day-old cupcakes and losing guns in McDonald's bathrooms sounds like your kind of thing, you should consider a job at the Denver Sheriff's Department. According to disciplinary letters obtained by the Denver Post, over the past 18 months deputies and employees at the department have been reprimanded for accidentally discharging their service weapons at least two times, losing a prisoner (and then arresting the wrong person), feeding prisoners homemade sandwiches and letting them watch YouTube videos, and abandoning posts six hours early.

Is the Cupcake Boom Over? (Yes)

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/14 08:24AM

There was a time—after Sex and the City glorified Magnolia Bakery, and before carbs were universally considered poison—when cupcakes were gold. Today, as a cupcake chain closes its doors, we must ask: Is the golden age of cupcakes over?

Paul Ryan Has Already Lost the Debate Based on These Workout Photos

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/12 09:45AM

The vice presidential debates are tonight. We expect and assume that, as in most elections, the debates—and the subsequent election—will be decided primarily upon the basis of which candidate most fully embodies the wise teachings of Gawker Media fitness columns. Well, shut it down, Biden has won, no need to show up today, might as well stay home and moisturize, "SNOWFLAKE" Ryan.

Man Robs Cupcake Store With Syringeful of HIV-Positive Blood

Seth Abramovitch · 07/28/11 12:14AM

It's hard to really put one's finger on the precise moment a trend dies. Is it when you get your first photo of your mom planking on the washing machine? Or when adult soapbox derbies are profiled in a piece about the Portlandification of Brooklyn? Or, perhaps, when someone robs a cupcake store in Denver by waving around a syringe filled with HIV-positive blood? Yes, I do believe that last one would do it.

Cupcakes Have Novel Concept of 'Hip Hop'

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/10 02:15PM

Duncan Hines Amazing Glazes? More like Duncan Hines Amazing Racists. You know? This controversial ad for "Hip Hop Cupcakes" (the a capella singing group variety) is currently America's biggest cupcake-racism-related scandal. I don't know, those desserts sure can harmonize. [Eater]

Rescue Me has Cupcakes Worth Breaking the Law For

Tom Dobrowolski · 08/11/10 04:36PM

After headquarters shut down their station, causing their block party to be canceled, the guys from Ladder 62 start a protest with the help of some of the locals. The biggest tragedy about it all? No one gets cupcakes.

Sweeter Than Paintballs

Maureen O'Connor · 05/01/10 02:33PM

[A man is shot by a cupcake cannon. Slow motion video of cupcake cannon victims after the jump.]

Gorilllas Hunt For Cupcakes

Allison Oldfather · 12/16/09 10:30AM

These gorillas get the equivalent of an Easter egg hunt when their handlers hide cupcakes all over their home. Watch them discover and eat them. Yummmm. Cupcakes.