
Hand-Written Signs Prove Legitimacy of Town Hall Protests

Pareene · 08/10/09 11:09AM

Some liberals and elected Democrats have asserted that the anti-health care reform town hall protesters are engaged in "astroturfing," a term meaning corporate-sponsored pretend grassroots activity. But Fox has definitively disproved that.

Childrens' Dictionary Revision Means End of Great Britain

Pareene · 12/08/08 02:26PM

Bored conservatives are up in arms over the new revision of the Oxford University Press' Junior Dictionary! The sun has finally set on the British Empire, now that "empire" is no longer listed in the Oxford University Press Junior Dictionary. Also cut: "aisle", "bishop", "chapel", and "monarch." You'll be disgusted to learn what words replaced those venerable old favorites.

White House War on Hanukkah!

Pareene · 11/26/08 12:13PM

Can still-president George W. Bush continue to wow us with asinine mistakes with a mere two months left in his presidency when he's so clearly checked out already? If his upcoming Hanukkah party is any indication, he's still got it! Attached, his invitation to the White House Hanukkah reception, sent to Jewish leaders across the nation. As you can see, the invite shows a Clydesdale delivering the traditional "Hanukkah Tree" to a White House decorated top to bottom in Hanukkah wreaths. Ha ha ha they just don't care.

The War on Thanksgiving!

Pareene · 11/25/08 04:52PM

Liberals are waging war on America's Second-Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is an annual feast celebrating the victory of Good God-Fearing Puritans over Cranberries and various Fowls. You can obviously understand why the PC Police hates Thanksgiving, the holiday celebrating kind European settlers in a New World and the noble savages who aided them in conquering this vast, empty continent. Just look how widespread, pervasive, and not-at-all-imagined this War on Thanksgiving has become! In Claremont, California, a liberal professor who specializes in "Native American literature" wrote a letter to her daughter's elementary school claiming the tradition of dressing children as "Pilgrims and Indians" was demeaning and racist. Now the school is going to cancel Thanksgiving, or at least the part where children dress in amusing stereotypes of traditional aboriginal American garb. Parents are furious!!!!

Hollywood Conservatives Cry Us A River

Pareene · 10/23/08 02:12PM

From Hollywood-residing Drudge-buddy Andrew Breitbart's new HuffPo for Conservatives to this sad Hollywood Reporter story on how conservatives in Tinseltown are an oppressed minority, everyone's talking about Showbiz Republicans! They are terribly mistreated, you know, by evil monster liberals who run that town. Sometimes they are called names at dinner parties! And also they are apparently fired all the time for being Republicans! Then they all get together in secret organizations to drink and talk about how bad they have it. It's just like being gay in rural Wyoming, right? Ha ha, just kidding. It's more like being the one Yankee fan in a Boston bar, and you also felt the need to wear your Jeter jersey. Dude, you went to Boston and put on your Jeter jersey, of course you got shit for it! Here's prominent famous successful Hollywood Republican Kelsey Grammer talking about how dangerous and hard it is being a Hollywood Republican:

Woody Allen: Nowadays, Yale Kids and 'Churchgoing Barbarians' Enjoy The Same Dumb Movies

Richard Lawson · 09/29/08 01:20PM

Woody Allen doesn't get the kids today. Or, rather, he gets them, he just doesn't see that much value in their taste level. The prolific filmmaker sat down with New York magazine recently, for their 40th Anniversary issue, to discuss the changing city—and, you know, how it relates to the changing world, etc, etc, navel-gaze, navel-gaze. Basically he thinks culture has "coarsened," as evidenced by good smart kids, from schools like Yale and Columbia, who don't understand Fellini:

L.A.: Give Brooklyn Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Weary...

Sheila · 07/24/08 03:22PM

Jay Babcock, former Los Angeles scenester and founder of the music/art mag Arthur, up and moved to Brooklyn recently. Why? "Culture in L.A. is in a race to the bottom, and all the smart and creative people there are [involved in] new ways to do social networking or figure out what YouTube video is going to get the most views. That isn't culture, it's pure pandering," he tells the L.A. Times today. Also: nobody in L.A. even noticed that he had moved: