
Sarah Hedgecock · 12/04/13 03:21PM

A man was arrested today for throwing an unidentified item over the White House's north fence. Pennsylvania Avenue was closed for about an hour, but no explosives were found.

The Air Force Is Bullying Its Cadets Into a Secret Snitch Program

Adam Weinstein · 12/02/13 10:46AM

The Air Force Academy's Honor Code states that its cadets "will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate among us anyone who does." But the service apparently suspended that code when it forced mostly minority students to spy on their classmates to catch suspected drug users and sex offenders—only to forget all about them after they've been used as informants.

Cord Jefferson · 11/25/13 02:45PM

About that "Knockout Game" from your uncle's chain email: "[P]olice officials in several cities where such attacks have been reported said that the 'game' amounted to little more than an urban myth, and that the attacks in question might be nothing more than the sort of random assaults that have always occurred."

Does Gun Possession Merit Life Behind Bars?

Hamilton Nolan · 11/25/13 11:34AM

Hundreds of Californians have been jailed for life for felony firearm possession under the state's "Three Strikes" law. Now, the state has reformed the harsh law, and these convicts are asking for reconsideration. Is mere gun possession bad enough to lock someone up forever?

Cord Jefferson · 11/22/13 02:19PM

Crystal Mangum, the woman who falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006, was found guilty of second-degree murder today. Mangum stabbed her boyfriend during an argument in 2011. He died 10 days later. Mangum's attorneys had argued she was acting in self-defense against an abusive partner.

Alabama Town Evacuates Over Suspected Bomb, Learns It's Just Marijuana

Adam Weinstein · 11/22/13 11:13AM

More than a dozen schools, two college campuses, and multiple businesses in Decatur, Alabama, were evacuated Thursday over a suspicious package attached to a railcar laden with toxic gas. But rather than explosives, authorities found the package held several pounds of weed.

Two Teens Cleared of Felony Charges in Bullying Case

Cord Jefferson · 11/21/13 04:03PM

Two Florida girls, one 13 and one 14, have had felony charges dropped in a bullying case that sprang up following 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwick's suicide in September. In an interview with Today, 13-year-old Katelyn Roman expressed relief at the decision and said, "I do not feel l did anything wrong."