
John Oliver on One Bullshit Way Police Can Legally Steal Your Stuff

Jay Hathaway · 10/06/14 08:40AM

In this segment from the most recent Last Week Tonight, John Oliver is pissed that the police have a legal mechanism by which they can seize your money for essentially no reason, and then use it for whatever they want, with virtually no limitations.

Murder Suspects "Couldn't Get Off" While Fucking on Victims' Bodies

Andy Cush · 09/26/14 08:46AM

We've all been there: You're trying to have a romantic time with that special someone of yours, but something isn't right. The phone keeps ringing, or it takes too long to find a condom, or you're having sex on top of dead bodies and it's like, hey, I'm no prude but this is a little weird, right?

Mississippi Jails People For Months With No Charges

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/14 10:40AM

Even in 2014, it is still possible to come across facts about the American justice system that stagger even the most cynical of minds. For example: do you know how long people are sitting in jail in Mississippi without being charged with a crime?

Texts From Walmart Lead Man to Confess to 1997 Murder

Allie Jones · 09/24/14 10:35AM

The Charlotte Observer reports the bizarre story of a man who drove cross-country this June to confess to murdering a woman and dumping her body in a river in 1997. Matthew Gibson, 55, was driven to confess after he got texts and calls from Walmart about prescriptions for Anita Townshed. He thought Townshed was the woman he killed.