
Protesters Occupy Palin Speech, Get Thrown Out As Crowd Chants 'Sarah' and 'USA'

Emma Carmichael · 02/11/12 06:12PM

Sarah Palin delivered what was essentially the cherry-on-top to CPAC this evening, just after the American Conservative Union announced that Mitt Romney had won the conference's annual straw poll. Palin turned 48 today, and the birthday girl was, by far, the conference's darling. ACU chairman Al Cardenas called her speech the "perfect, perfect ending" after the crowds had parted, and she was given more than 10 standing ovations by a capacity crowd.

Informal CPAC Poll: How Many Attendees are Living in Their Parents' Basements?

Emma Carmichael · 02/11/12 04:05PM

WASHINGTON, D.C.— There was a line winding out the door of the Marriott Ballroom at CPAC for the bulk of the afternoon today, and it consisted mostly of bright-faced college kids. They were wearing dinner jackets and pencil skirts and toting bags full of free pens and pamphlets and souvenir T-shirts. Sarah Palin will speak at 4:30 today, and they wanted to make sure to get a seat.

Awful White Rappers Drop the N Word at CPAC, Receive Applause (UPDATED)

Danny Gold · 02/10/12 09:36PM

I hate parody rappers with a passion. I can't understand the lyrics here, but I can say that everything about this is awful and terrible, and that's before they use the N word. And not just with the street "a" ending. With the "er" ending. In front of a black person. Who they mock as he walks out.

CPAC: Endorsing Joe the Plumber, Declaring War on Hyphens

Emma Carmichael · 02/10/12 11:00AM

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Samuel Wurzelbacher, otherwise known as "Joe the Plumber," is still plumbing. He is running for Congress as a Republican in Ohio's Ninth District—Dennis Kucinich's turf—but he is also still plumbing. He just did a job for a friend two weeks ago. He says he will plumb for life.

Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breitbart

Jim Newell · 02/14/11 03:06PM

Shirley Sherrod, who was fired from her USDA job last year after Andrew Breitbart posted online an edited video of her, has filed a lawsuit for libel and slander against Breitbart in D.C. Superior Court. The suit was filed on Friday, and Breitbart was served with it this weekend, while attending the Conservative Political Action Conference, according to The New York Times.

Donald Trump Has Made an Enemy of Ron Paul

Jim Newell · 02/14/11 12:39PM

Republican tribal god Rep. Ron Paul hit the television circuit this morning to celebrate his big straw poll win at this weekend's insane Conservative Political Action Conference. How does Paul feel now, knowing that Republican voters want him to be president, at least according to this straw poll for which he bused in hundreds of supporters? He's flattered as always. Such a humble man, that Doctor Congressman Ron Paul.

Ron Paul Elected President of CPAC

Adrian Chen · 02/12/11 06:19PM

Ron Paul won the presidential straw poll at this week's Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C., with 30 percent of the vote. He beat out Mitt Romney and Chris Christie, who came in 2nd and 3rd place, respectively. Many people were not happy. Salon reports,

Fake Sarah Palin Wows Conservative Conference

Jim Newell · 02/11/11 02:12PM

Sarah Palin is too busy cashing checks to attend this year's exciting Conservative Political Action Conference, the Republican Mecca (sorry for the word choice, Republicans) which began yesterday in Washington. What a snub to her fans! Fortunately a Sarah Palin impersonator showed up at the conference today, and that was good enough. Especially since many attendees thought she was the real thing.

Donald Trump Terrifies a Roomful of Conservatives

Jim Newell · 02/10/11 06:21PM

The first day of this year's all-important Conservative Political Action Conference, a summit for top Republican politicians and operatives heading into a presidential election cycle, wasn't dominated by Newt Gingrich or Tim Pawlenty or any other actual Republican politician. It was Donald Trump, the wealthy television clown, who stole the show with the blunt, meandering speech he'd invited himself to deliver at the last minute.

Michele Bachmann On China's President: 'Hu's Your Daddy'

Jim Newell · 02/10/11 12:48PM

It's an exciting day for the conservative movement! Perhaps even the most exciting day of the year, right up there with Guy Fawkes Day. The 10,000-attendee Conservative Political Action Conference kicked off this morning in Washington, and it will run through Saturday. It's the Republican party's most important gathering every year, and it's especially vital in years, like this one, when there's a large crop of potential presidential candidates to size up.

The 'Hottest' Party at CPAC Features an Omnisexual Singer from the '90s

Adrian Chen · 02/09/11 09:51PM

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) starts tomorrow in Washington, D.C. You may think that hanging out with the likes of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, talking about why poor people are to blame for all of America's problems, sounds about as appealing as an icepick to the eye.

Dick Cheney's Chest Pains Have Been Officially Declared His Fifth Heart Attack

Ryan Tate · 02/23/10 04:13PM

Dick Cheney's office has confirmed that it was a "mild heart attack" that sent the former vice president to George Washington University Hospital complaining of chest pains yesterday. So it's officially his fifth heart attack since turning 37. But he "is feeling good," expected to leave the hospital in the next couple of days and CNN's tele-doctor Sanjay Gupta is encouraged, remotely, by his progress.