
These Are Some People You Could Meet at CPAC

Simon Zachary Chetrit · 03/05/16 06:52PM

At CPAC, shirts are red, people are very predominantly white and “blue lives” matter. From a record attendance of well over 10,000, here are a few portraits of people who paid between $70 and $5,000 to cheer wildly for Dinesh D’Souzas’ new movie trailer and boo about “the Donald Trumps of the left,” whoever they might be.

Donald Trump Drops Out of CPAC Following Disastrous Debate

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/04/16 12:29PM

Following a disastrous showing at the GOP debate in Detroit Thursday, Donald Trump just unceremoniously pulled out of a scheduled appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, citing a rally in “Witchita, Kanasas.”

What Horrible Secret Is The American Enterprise Institute Hiding?

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/04/16 11:40AM

At the heart of the Conservative Political Action Conference is the swag room called the CPAC Hub. Inside, the American Enterprise Institute is one of a few dozen groups handing out free branded items. Today, I learned they’re hiding a horrible secret.

The Amazing Amazon Reviews of CPAC’s Terrible Reading List

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/04/16 09:29AM

Here at CPAC—the premiere conference and networking event of the conservative movement, which I’ll be attending for the next two days—most things are free. The NRA beer koozie? Free. An “I’m Ready For Freedom, Not Free Stuff” poster? You guessed it—free. A gold-plated, life-size pin of a fetus’s feet? Free, and I took two. But the conference is selling one thing for money: Books.

We're Liveblogging the GOP Debate From a Ballroom Full of Republicans

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/03/16 08:43PM

Greetings from Conservative Political Action Conference, the nation’s premiere conservative meeting place for politicians hawking books and young Republicans looking to have a good time. What better place could there be from which to cover tonight’s GOP debate, live from Detroit? Ostensibly Detroit, but that’s a lot further away and frankly I doubt we’d get credentials anyway.

Marco Rubio Could Give a Shit

Gabrielle Bluestone · 02/23/16 01:25PM

The group behind CPAC—the nation’s favored gathering for white conservatives who want to take a selfie with a GOP candidate—today issued a statement calling Marco Rubio’s decision to skip the annual mutual admiration conference a “rookie move.”

Paul Ryan Lied About a Hungry Kid To Justify Killing School Lunch

Adam Weinstein · 03/07/14 01:34PM

During his Thursday speech at CPAC, the conserva-palooza, vice presidential also-ran Paul Ryan used a touching story about an undernourished child to argue why free or reduced-priced school lunches were a bad thing. Touching, but false. And he continues to perpetuate the falsehood.

Pizza Patriots: Day One at CPAC

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/06/14 07:37PM

The first thing you notice about CPAC, the conservative answer to Comic Con, are the lines.

Sarah Hedgecock · 03/06/14 01:00PM

[Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stands with Sen. Tom Coburn after giving him a rifle, on stage at the Conservative Political Action Committee annual conference in National Harbor, Md., on Thursday. Image via Susan Walsh/AP.]

What's Going On Today at CPAC, the Conservative Troll Terrordome?

Adam Weinstein · 03/06/14 10:14AM

Today starts the three-day annual circus known as the Conservative Political Action Conference, in which Washington journalists scurry like wounded, hungry cooing doves in search of crazy bite from right-wing presidential hopefuls, and also Rick Perry. Gawker is there, too.

Meet Ben Carson, the Gifted Pediatric Neurosurgeon and Rising Right-Wing Star

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 03/16/13 12:30PM

This morning, Ben Carson spoke at the CPAC conference, a day after a panel on 'the race card' failed spectacularly, with some audience members defending slavery. Carson is a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins and a conservative who gently criticized Obama's healthcare policies while speaking in front of him at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Since then, he has become a sensation among conservative bloggers and today at CPAC, announced his intention to leave behind medicine to focus on education initiatives, and possibly a future in politics.

I Asked Sarah Palin the Dumbest Question Ever: How to Become Another 'Obedient Little Troll' at CPAC

Emma Carmichael · 02/14/12 11:35AM

Herman Cain, listed in the official program as "Former CEO, Godfather's Pizza," took the stage at about 4:30 on Thursday at the Woodley Park Marriott in Washington, D.C. It was day one of the Conservative Political Action Conference, and he was the main attraction. There had been a long line throughout the lobby before his scheduled appearance. It was an earnest crowd. The prevailing concern at the conference (I overheard one college student saying) was with showing people it was cool to be an American.

Is Romney Conservative Enough for Sarah Palin?

Louis Peitzman · 02/12/12 11:43AM

Everyone's favorite pundit and reality star Sarah Palin has yet to endorse a Republican presidential candidate. (But Sarah, there are so many great options to choose from.) The Washington Times has an article about Palin's appearance on Fox News Sunday, where she (predictably) pondered the question of Romney's conservatism.