
Celebrity Halloween Costume Time Has Begun

Lauri Apple · 10/30/11 04:38PM

The celebrities have begun trickling out of their castles, mansions, and forest lairs to host or hit up Halloween parties, collect their high-calorie holiday booty, and inspire jealousy-driven shut-ins like us to mock their outfits.

Have You Picked Your Halloween Costume Yet?

Leah Beckmann · 10/28/11 06:59PM

Halloween isn't until Monday, which means that you still have a couple of days to slap together a quick costume. And do you know what kind of costume is quicker than quick? The kind you buy at a store. No, it's not very creative—and navigating overcrowded costume shops this weekend won't be fun—but at least you'll be appropriately dressed at any Halloween party you attend.

No One Wants to Dress Up as a Politician This Halloween

Jim Newell · 10/28/11 04:44PM

The Washington Post reports, somewhat anecdotally, that the wiseacres who usually dress up as a comical political figure for Halloween would rather just go as someone unrelated to politics this year, as the horror of thinking about our broken system is now too too depressing, even on Halloween.

It's Time to Stop Dressing Up Your Pets for Halloween

Leah Beckmann · 10/27/11 03:21PM

According to Wendy Williams and this other lady whose parents must be very proud of her for becoming a "pet fashion stylist," it is very trendy and important to dress your dog up for Halloween because there are a lot of events you both should be attending.

Anti-Racist Halloween Ad Spawns Funny Meme

Adrian Chen · 10/25/11 11:27AM

So, there are these posters with the well-meaning (and surprisingly necessary!) goal of getting college kids to think about whether their Sexy Asian Doll Costume is racist. The poster campaign went viral, and now they have been memeified in humorous fashion. (One of the originals is on the left.)

10 Halloween Costumes to Avoid

Brian Moylan · 10/18/11 02:55PM

Every year there are those Halloween costume ideas that are topical and also easy to execute. That means at least one person at your Halloween party is going to have one of these costumes on. Don't be one of those cultural lemmings! If any of the following ideas are on your list, it's time to go back to the drawing board.

Happy Hallo-Sheen

Lauri Apple · 10/07/11 05:23AM

Recently we stopped by a Halloween superstore in search of some new work clothes (dressing up in costumes helps stave off writer's block), and noticed amidst the racks of Slutty Thises and Slutty Thats a pile of rubber Charlie Sheen masks for sale. It didn't surprise us that someone would want to dress up as this year's ultimate Hollywood meltdown and fright show, given the "Boo!! Scary!!" angle of the holiday—but little did we know that "Charlie Sheen" would actually win this year's costume popularity contest.

Ice Cream Cone Mascot Mistaken for a KKK Member

Lauri Apple · 09/27/11 06:05AM

An ice cream shop in Ocala, Florida thought it would be a clever marketing tactic to have an employee dress up as an ice cream cone and stand out in the parking lot with a sign advertising their goods. Little did they know!

Catwoman's Ears to Ruin Dark Knight Series?

Richard Lawson · 09/26/11 01:32PM

The early glimpse we got of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises was troubling, but not that troubling. Well, get ready to be actually troubled by new production photos in which we see the full pussy.

Ohio Cops in Search of Violent Banana

Max Read · 07/09/11 12:15PM

Attention, residents of Strongville, Ohio! A possibly-violent banana (-costumed person) is on the loose, having assaulted a man wearing a gorilla costume outside a cell phone store. "I noticed a kid in the bushes. Then he just emerged, dressed up as a banana, and sprinted as fast as he could at our gorilla," manager Brandon Parham, told WJW-TV. "He just looked like a Spartan from that movie 300, except he was a banana." How does such a thing happen? Who is responsible? When will WJW reporter Melissa Reid get an award for this sentence: "Police say the person dressed up as a banana split and headed south on Pearl Road"? We may never know. Police, we are told, "believe it was a prank." [WJW-TV]

Old Hollywood Costumes May Be the World's Only Sound Investment

Brian Moylan · 06/20/11 05:25PM

At an auction of actress Debbie Reynolds' collection of old Hollywood costumes this weekend, someone purchased the famous Marilyn Monroe "subway dress" from the movie The Seven Year Itch for $4.6 million, which was well above the pre-sale estimate of $1-$2 million. In fact, all the clothes sold for prices well above what was predicted.

Cat Voluntarily Puts On Rabbit Costume

Christopher Han · 12/27/10 04:00PM

We approach this cat lounging, window-side, on it's chair. The cat somehow takes this as a cue to put on the rabbit costume / hat that has been designated to him. Ta-da! He hates us all.

Mom Defends Drag-Wearing Five-Year-Old Son

Richard Lawson · 11/04/10 10:34AM

In a touching(ish) blog post making the rounds today, a mommy blogger (guhh) defends her son against some mean, judgmental moms who questioned whether or not her son should have worn a Daphne from Scooby Doo costume to school.