
Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/13 03:24PM

An analysis by a Fortune magazine editor suggests that Wal-Mart could raise employee wages by 50% with no damage to its stock price. Read it here.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/13 09:06AM

In downtown Los Angeles last night, 54 people were arrested while protesting Wal-Mart's business practices. They're asking for salaries of $25K per year for each full time Wal-Mart employee.

A Wal-Mart Worker Asks: Can I Pray Out Loud at Work?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/29/13 01:53PM

Due to our history as a platform for true Wal-Mart stories, we sometimes receive emails from beleaguered Wal-Mart employees, venting their frustrations. Today, we have our holiest Wal-Mart conundrum yet. Can you help?

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/13 12:50PM

Here is the most accurate and detailed explanation of Amazon's business model that you are likely to read this year. "Amazon has boundless ambition. It wants to eat global retail."

The Machines Are Taking Over Job Interviews

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/13 12:35PM

Beleaguered job seekers: you can look forward to a day very soon when the fate of your employment will no longer be in the hands of some bored and prejudiced HR person. Instead, you will be able to be rejected by a computer program, which can mathematically quantify your many shameful human flaws.

Jeff Bezos Is a Brilliant Cheap Prick

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/13 11:04AM

There's little doubt that Amazon is the future of retailing. Its CEO, Jeff Bezos, is one of the most admired and scrutinized businessmen in the world. How did he build the company into what it is today? By being a penny-pinching ballbuster.

What's an Acceptable Ratio of CEO Pay to Worker Pay?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/13 01:48PM

As of 2011, the average CEO was paid 230 times the salary of an average worker at his company. Today, the SEC proposed a rule to require companies to report that ratio every year. What should it be? A modest proposal: 100-1.

Even the Top of Corporate America Has a Glass Ceiling

Hamilton Nolan · 08/13/13 09:56AM

For the most part, corporate America is still a boy's club. The vast majority of top corporate executives are men. Oh, they let in some women, of course. They just don't pay them as much as everyone else.

How Apple Helps Fund a Bloody Colombian Rebel Army

Hamilton Nolan · 08/08/13 11:22AM

Tungsten is a mineral used in manufacturing everything from auto parts to pens to cell phones and computers. Some of the tungsten purchased by some of the world's most well-known companies is illegally mined and used to enrich FARC, a Colombian rebel army.

A Few More True Stories from Amazon Workers

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 01:30PM

Yesterday, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post. This seems like as good a time as any to roll out a few more true stories from the Amazon warehouse workers who make the whole machine go. Jeff Bezos wouldn't be here without them.

What Is Life Like For an Amazon Worker?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 11:48AM

One of these days— maybe sooner, maybe later, but definitely one of these days—Amazon will become the new king of retail consumerism in America. We know what it's like working for Wal-Mart and Target. But what is life like for the faceless workers that make Amazon go?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 07:48AM

Publicis and Omnicom, two staggeringly huge conglomerates of advertising and PR agencies, are combining into one even more staggeringly huge conglomerate, as we march towards a bright future in which one ad company sells all ads to one media company, which controls all entertainment.