
The Republicans' War on Congressional Recycling

Jim Newell · 03/01/11 03:53PM

Republicans rarely miss a chance to go out of their way to stick it to the hippies and their twee environmental issues when they take power. When Ronald Reagan became president, for example, he stripped off the modest cluster of solar panels Jimmy Carter had installed on the White House roof, just to make the point that America shouldn't see its long addiction to hydrocarbons as something worth changing. And now, as part of the Tea Party Revolution, House Republicans are getting rid of the biodegradable utensils and food and drink containers that Nancy Pelosi introduced in the House cafeteria, in favor of the more traditional and evil styrofoam.

Jeopardy! Supercomputer to Destroy Congressmen Tonight

Jim Newell · 02/28/11 05:42PM

Watson, the IBM supercomputer know-it-all asshole that crushed its meager human competition a few weeks ago on Jeopardy!, has some new flesh-and-blood to feast on tonight: Four members of Congress. Unfortunately, the carnage won't be televised. Humans still have a tenuous control over the airwaves, which Watson's cold, dangerously self-aware claws have yet to conquer. And these humans don't want their humiliation broadcast across the country. C'mon, you four! We'd understand.

The Government Won't Shut Down For at Least Two More Weeks

Jim Newell · 02/28/11 12:27PM

Congress, after taking all of last week off, now finds itself with only four days left to fund the federal government before everything shuts down. And, of course, the House Republicans and Senate Democrats are nowhere near reaching a final agreement. So what's the plan? Oh, you know this: Pass a bill that stalls for another two weeks!

The Most Fiscally Responsible Congressman Ever

Jim Newell · 02/18/11 04:39PM

You see this, leeches? If you want a handout, don't go asking freshman Republican Rep. Dan Benishek, who is a medical doctor. His staff didn't spend all its time making this banner and posting it to Facebook for people to not see it. "If you are here to ask for more money, you're in the wrong office!" Can he be much clearer? So don't even try, because it's not going to happen. Dan Benishek is not your ATM, damnit. Says right there on the huge banner in the middle of his office.

Will Gabrielle Giffords Run for Senate in 2012?

Jeff Neumann · 02/13/11 12:21PM

With Republican Senator Jon Kyl announcing that he would retire at the end of his current term, Democrats on Thursday discussed Gabrielle Giffords as a potential candidate for the seat, according to Politico. Giffords is said to have been interested in running for Senate before she was shot last month, and would certainly be a front runner for the job. Obviously, Giffords' recovery is the first priority, and no one can be sure if she'll be fully recovered by then, or if she'll even want to run.

Married GOP Congressman Sent Sexy Pictures to Craigslist Babe

Maureen O'Connor · 02/09/11 02:33PM

Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist's "Women Seeking Men" forum, he's Christopher Lee, "divorced" "lobbyist" and "fit fun classy guy." One object of his flirtation told us her story.

Dennis Kucinich Sues Congressional Cafeteria Over Olive Pit

John Cook · 01/26/11 12:06PM

Congressman Dennis Kucinich bought a sandwich from the Longworth House Office Building cafeteria in April 2008, and bit into it only to find an unpitted olive that cracked a tooth. This month, he sued the cafeteria for selling "dangerous" sandwiches.