Who Will Congress Members Take as 'Dates' to the State of the Union?

While there won't be any official bipartisan seating during tomorrow's State of the Union, Congress members are free to sit across the aisle if they want to! So many are choosing to sit with "dates." Who will ask whom?
We didn't think there was much point to mixing the two parties at the State of the Union in a cheap sign of "unity" following the Tucson shootings, since politics should resume now and show differences between the two parties. But we don't really care anymore. If they want prom gossip, that's what they'll get. Who will be making out tomorrow night? The Hill reports:
Instead of sitting by party, many Democrats and Republicans have been pairing this year to show a spirit of bipartisanship after the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) two weeks ago.
Appearing on the same program, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) confirmed he will sit with Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) during the State of the Union.
On ABC's "This Week," Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) said they did not have "dates" yet for the State of the Union.
On the program, Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) asked Hutchison if she would like to sit next to him. Her response was not broadcast on the show.
Conrad and Hutchison are both leaving the Senate next year, so Conrad finally must be trying to make his move! But what if Hutchison thinks he's ugly or something? Kent Conrad must be a basket case, waiting like this.
Who else?
On CBS' "Face the Nation," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said he's going to sit with Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.), while Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.), who came up with the mixed-seating idea and circulated a pledge among his colleagues, sits in McCain's usual seat.
"The fact is it's a good thing to do," McCain said. "Why not?"
So John McCain will have a threesome with the Udall cousins. Next?
Later on Sunday, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) tweeted that his "date" to the State of the Union will be Sen. Ron Wyden (R-Ore.). Grassley noted that he was worked with Wyden to try to end the practice of secret Senate holds on nominations and legislation. "He invited," Grassley wrote.
Since when do State of the Union reach-arounds not count as "Senate holds"?
Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell is insecure:
Asked on "Fox News Sunday" whether he will sit at the Republican leadership table during President Obama's speech, he said, "I'm going to sit where I usually sit."
But if Joe Lieberman sat on his lap, would he protest? Fox News Sunday never asks these important questions.
Here are a few other date suggestions, for stragglers:
- Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders: This is a simple enough formulation: Rand Paul, the most humorless new far right member the Senate, should sit with Bernie Sanders, the Senate Democrat who self-identifies as a socialist. Maybe Sanders has even a spare room to let, and Paul can finally move out of his dad's place.
- Michele Bachmann and Charlie Rangel: The censured House Democrat has already scored a sympathy hug from House Tea Party Caucus founder Michele Bachmann; maybe now's the chance to man up and ask her on a formal date? Try this line, Charlie: "Hey, I snagged two tickets to the president's speech. Want to get married immediately?" It works, trust us.
- Peter King and Keith Ellison: New York Rep. Peter King is going to start hearings on the growing threat of Muslim radicalism soon. Why not sit Keith Ellison, a Muslim member of Congress, next to him? If they hit it off, then they hit it off; if they don't, then Peter King can just kidnap him then and hold his hearing the next morning.
Perhaps you have other suggestions? We're still too nervous for Kent Conrad to think straight.
[Image via AP]