
Comment of the Day: The Awful Things Mothers Say

Brian Moylan · 06/30/11 06:10PM

Today we told you about a rude mother-in-law who sent her rude daughter-in-law a rude email about her manners. There was lots of rudeness and mother-in-law bashing going around. But what's even worse than an awful mother-in-law is an awful mother.

Comment of the Day: The Health Care Crisis Solved

Brian Moylan · 04/04/11 05:50PM

We know that given just about any problem, the wise commenters on this here website can probably solve it. Today, in response to the Republican idea to privatize Medicare, a few people went and solved the health care problem altogether. One solution? Magical thinking!

Comment of the Day: Let's Hear It for the One-Liners

Brian Moylan · 07/30/10 05:36PM

Sometimes to really stand out, you need to leave a long, juicy comment. Sometimes all you really need is a sentence to get a good joke in. Today we us celebrate the soul of wit found in brevity.

Comment of the Day: 'Here is a very good Margarita blend'

Adrian Chen · 07/25/10 01:40PM

We may never know what motivated first-time commenter Perchdwelr to leave an elaborate recipe for frozen margaritas on our tips page. But thank God they did. This looks great! (Mountain Dew is the secret ingredient.)

Comment of the Day

Richard Lawson · 01/11/10 06:03PM

We're starting a new daily feature in which we put a spotlight on a particularly funny, servicey, or just plain interesting comment that we think you should read, in case you missed it. Today the award goes to Uncle_Billy_Slumming.