
NBC Acquires Lifestyle Pornographers LX.TV

Pareene · 01/28/08 03:10PM

LX.TV—formerly and occasional target of Gawker mockery—is all growed up. The proudly idiotic web video lifestyle porn purveyors have been acquired by the good people at NBC. Specifically NBC's "Local Media Division" which seems like sort of a sad ghetto for such an ambitious group but LX.TV has been enriching viewers of New York's WNBC for some time now with their terrifying original content. Meet a new worst person in the world every week! It's seriously hypnotic. Anyway, New York is dead and now you can watch drunk i-bankers party on its corpse live on channel 4. [NBC Universal]

Name Is New, Content Still Douchey

sUKi · 10/31/06 04:00PM

On the one hand, we feel like a proud father, but on the one hand, there is a tinge of guilt over unleashing a monster into the world. But what is done is done. While the site looks exactly the same as before and the content remains the same, LX.TV has managed to pull in some recognizable faces. The almosthotbutnotreally SuChin Pak of MTV will interview the likes of Tim Gunn, who is featured in the latest video posted to the site.

This Is What We Are Up Against: Flatiron Edition

sUKi · 10/19/06 08:29AM

More shocking footage from, this time a few blocks east on 27th Street, where clubgoer Pedro Andrade ("Me and my friends, we were trying to run away from the Chelsea night life scene") and owner Fabrizio Brienza take us through Happy Valley. When our tipster says, "This guy makes AJ look like... less of an asshole," we are not sure if she is talking about Pedro or Fabrizio, but we agree completely. to Rape Your Monitor

Jessica · 06/12/06 08:38AM

This morning was supposed to be special: according to Brandweek, today would mark the launch of, an online television network aimed towards 25-49-year-old New Yorkers who earn $100K or more (i.e., suits and web entrepreneurs). Featuring aesthetically pleasing hosts, " will show viewers new restaurants, nightclubs, and stores in New York and the Hamptons." Think Daily Candy meets Thrillist meets MUG meets YouTube meets migraine headaches.