When we heard Code.TV, your favorite source for nocturnal douchebaggery, relaunched as LX.TV ("Lifestyle Television"), we were not quite sure how to feel, given our hand in spreading its word.

On the one hand, we feel like a proud father, but on the one hand, there is a tinge of guilt over unleashing a monster into the world. But what is done is done. While the site looks exactly the same as before and the content remains the same, LX.TV has managed to pull in some recognizable faces. The almosthotbutnotreally SuChin Pak of MTV will interview the likes of Tim Gunn, who is featured in the latest video posted to the site.

The above video hints at more adventures of Pedro from the Happy Valley video, but alas, nothing new from A.J., whom the site's founder Morgan Hertzan calls "our Jessica Simpson". Hey, he's ours, too.

Site Bets Slick, Made-for-Web Shows Are the Next Big Thing (Subsc Req'd) [WSJ]
LX.TV - Lifestyle Television

Earlier: Gawker's Code.TV coverage