
This Is America: Watch as Yet Another School Shooting (Literally) Interrupts Yet Another Conversation About Gun Control

Kate Bennert · 01/10/13 03:07PM

Vice President Joe Biden was scheduled to address the nation this afternoon about his meeting with NRA officials to discuss new gun control policies in this country—an initiative that President Obama asked him to oversee after last month's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. But before anyone could react, news broke of yet another school shooting. Fox News was practically mid-"Guns don't kill people; people kill people" when they cut away to break the news that a gunman at Taft High School in Kern County, California shot 2 people.

'1776 Will Commence Again If You Try to Take Our Firearms!': Watch Alex Jones Lose His Mind on Piers Morgan's Show

Taylor Berman · 01/07/13 11:19PM

Hours after he was arrested for refusing to take off his shoes at a TSA checkpoint, Alex Jones lost his damn mind during an interview with Piers Morgan on Monday night. Jones, the conspiracy mad radio host who helped start the petition to have Morgan deported for his gun control advocacy, said all sorts of amazing insane stuff — it definitely merits watching in full — but here are some highlights.

Cobra Bites Man Aboard Commercial Flight in Egypt

Taylor Berman · 12/05/12 12:13AM

Earlier this week, an Egypt Air flight from Cairo to Kuwait was forced to make an emergency landing after a cobra bit a passenger. The snakebit man was reportedly a Jordanian reptile dealer who'd smuggled the poisonous snake aboard.

Jeff Zucker Says Jeff Zucker Is Top Candidate to Take Over CNN

John Cook · 11/28/12 01:25PM

Failure virtuoso Jeff Zucker—the man who singlehandedly dismantled NBC as an entertainment powerhouse, replaced Friends with likes of Good Morning Miami and Inside Schwartz, lost NBC Universal a billion dollars in ad revenue in just one year, brought a man named Donald Trump to your television screens, and bungled an attempted transition at NBC's Tonight Show franchise with a galactic ineptness that even at the remove of two years continues to strain credulity—is going to save CNN now!

Take a Tour of CNN's New Virtual Senate

Robert Kessler · 11/05/12 11:13AM

This Sunday on CNN, Tom Foreman unveiled one of CNN's new fancy gadgets, surely to be one of a million they unveil for election night coverage on Tuesday.

CNN Is Stiffing the Waiters at Its RNC Celebrity Hangout

John Cook · 10/26/12 12:30PM

At both the Republican and Democratic conventions, CNN sponsored a splashy, invitation-only club called the CNN Grill to promote its unique brand of ponderous and dull cable-news fare to the press and politicians. You had to be on a list to get in, and Ari Fleischer was there, so you felt important. The drinks and food were free and—I can tell you from personal experience—it was constantly packed to capacity. And now the waiters and bartenders who worked at the Grill's Tampa, Fla., operation at the RNC are accusing CNN of not paying a promised tip.

Reddit Troll Michael Brutsch Defends Himself on CNN: 'I Treated Reddit As a Game'

Adrian Chen · 10/18/12 11:53PM

There wasn't much anyone following the story of 49-year-old Texas programmer Michael Brutsch, whom we revealed to be behind the notorious Reddit troll Violentacrez, could realistically have hoped to learn about the man from his appearance on Anderson Cooper's CNN show tonight. We already knew he is an unabashed creep who has now lost his job thanks to his predilection for posting pictures of underage girls in their underwear and spouting virulent racism on the social news site Reddit. There was a near-zero percent chance of some emotional breakdown or heartfelt confession that might make Brutsch seem to be sorry for anything but being caught. He'd put too much into Violentacrez over too many years for that.

Ex-Gay Therapist Wants to Sue California for Reparative Therapy Ban

Kate Bennert · 10/01/12 04:35PM

Noted homophobe and ex-gay who "was never gay-identified" David Pickup made an appearance on CNN this afternoon to mansplain to everyone that reparative therapy—designed to "cure" gays of their homosexuality—is still valid because it totally "worked" on him. Pickup (his real name, by the way) is the newest spokesman for National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) after their previous leader George Rekers was caught vacationing with male prostitutes.

CNN Found Libyan Ambassador's Journal and Used It as a Source, Prompting the State Department to Call Them 'Disgusting'

Taylor Berman · 09/23/12 01:48PM

Last Wednesday, Anderson Cooper used parts of deceased Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens' diary as a tip for a story on "Anderson Cooper 360." During an interview with John McCain, Cooper said "a source familiar with Ambassador Stevens' thinking told us that in the months before his death he talked about being worried about the never-ending security threats that he was facing in Benghazi and specifically about the rise in Islamic extremism and growing al Qaeda presence." That source, apparently, was Stevens' journal, which CNN discovered amongst the rubble in the U.S. Consulate three days after the attack that killed Stevens.

The Darwinian Free Food Hierarchy

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/12 12:30PM

Pretty much any asshole can get some kind of credential to get into a political convention; a look at the press room can tell you that. It's a low bar. Which is not to say that the RNC organizers are fools.

CNN's Ali Velshi Learns How Important the Word 'No' Is

Max Read · 08/24/12 09:47AM

Around 10:15 CNN's Ali Velshi tweeted: "BREAKING: law enforcement source tells CNN there appears to be terrorism connection to the #ESBshooting." This happened several minutes after local New York City outlets reported that the man who opened fire outside the Empire State Building, so the tweet spread like wildfire. And then Velshi deleted it. Why?