
First Ever Stealth Bomber Crash Caught on Tape

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 10:31AM

The government just released video of the first ever B-2 stealth bomber crash (that they'll admit), from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. No one was injured, but that's more than a billion dollars worth of plane up in smoke. Vid after the jump.

Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

ian spiegelman · 06/07/08 09:29AM

"From Oscar-wining director Alex Gibney and producer Graydon Carter comes a probing look into the uncanny life of national treasure and gonzo journalism inventor Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. A fast moving, wildly entertaining documentary with an iconic soundtrack, the film addresses the major touchstones in Thompson's life-his intense and ill fated relationship with the Hell's Angels, his near-successful bid for the office of sheriff in Aspen in 1970, the notorious story behind the landmark Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, his deep involvement in Senator George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign, and much more. Narrated by Johnny Depp." Trailer after the jump.

Rich Dude Drops $10,000 Cash on Crowd of Poors

ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 03:03PM

What's a wealthy businessman to do for kicks in Jakarta, Indonesia? Hey, that place like incredibly poor! Why not fly over a bunch of impoverished citizens, dump $10,691 in small bills, and see what happens? Okay!

Clinton Supporter Tossed Out of Rules Meeting

ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 10:17AM

Oh Sen. Hillary Clinton, this really isn't the kind of thing you need at all. You know, that whole angry, shouty, "shrill" thing? Just something to think about is all.

Harvey Korman Tribute!

ian spiegelman · 06/01/08 07:53AM

So I was gonna do a "Best of Harvey Korman" clip thread to close out that day yesterday, but Gawker Media went all fooey just when I was all ready to get it started. So here it is now. Below is an example of my favorite kind of Harvey Korman moment-namely, him losing his shit. What's yours?

Local News Anchor Accidently 'Outs' Maybe-Maybe-Not-Gay Weatherman

ian spiegelman · 05/30/08 07:24PM

What do you get when you have a local weather man whose last name is Quinn and is quite dashing, plus a local anchor who is perhaps overtired and has gay things on her mind? The answer is revealed in this snippet from tonight's 5:00 p.m. airing of CBS 2 News in New York. Watch the Freudian slippage after the jump.

The Real Jeff Spicoli

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 01:24PM

In honor of the holiday, and in grieving for those not at the beach, let's all watch this surfer from LA in all of his now-famous pitted glory.

Tornadoes Rip Through Kansas

ian spiegelman · 05/24/08 11:23AM

Tornadoes devastated Kansas for the second day in a row yesterday. Here is some video of the event. Now be grateful you live somewhere nice and sunny with access to a beach. That is, if you do live in a such place. I do. But I'm locked in my apartment!

Gossip Girl Season Finale Sneak Preview

ian spiegelman · 05/18/08 09:03AM

Okay, I don't know who these people are or what on earth they're talking about, but apparently even adults watch Gossip Girl on the CW network. Hell, I still watch Smallville! So here's a clip from tomorrow's show.

Here's What Made Bill O'Reilly Go Crazy

ian spiegelman · 05/17/08 08:52AM

So what caused Bill O'Reilly's now-infamous Inside Edition meltdown? This new video featuring his abusive producer provides some answers. Okay, it really doesn't, but it's funny.

The Last Days of Laurel and Hardy

ian spiegelman · 04/19/08 03:06PM

This home movie footage is purportedly the last ever captured of legendary comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. Well, that's what the guy on YouTube says, and who am I to doubt him? Video (Really! Not just a link!! I hope!) after the jump.

Sarah Silverman's Handy Shortcut To Sitcom Relatability

mark · 10/03/07 08:12PM

· In addition to Barbara Walters' harrowing tale of bathroom stall imprisonment, The View also featured Sarah Silverman's explanation of why she murdered her parents.
· Casey Affleck dashes your Ocean's 14 dreams.
· Once Britney Spears slows the rate of her weekly meltdowns, the glossies can always rely on Jennifer Aniston's lucrative image to move checkout stand product.
· The revived Jericho hopes to feed off the carcass of whatever new CBS series fails first.
· Spoiler alert: Even when it seems like the Chipmunks aren't going to overcome their greatest challenge, career disaster will be averted at the last minute, and they'll share a round of celebratory high-fives while taking in a stunning view of the Los Angeles skyline.

I Heart Showalter

mark · 03/30/07 04:41PM

Our friends over at CollegeHumor kept the cameras rolling during a particularly difficult shoot for their The Michael Showalter Showalter series, capturing behind-the-scenes video of a dramatic on-set meltdown the likes of which Hollywood hasn't witnessed in hours. But before you vilify the talented—but notoriously difficult—Showalter for his outburst, please realize that infamous diva Paul Rudd was clearly asking for it with his unrelenting bitching following each take.

Sanjaya Slaughters No Doubt Song, But Decides To Spare Gwen Stefani's Life

mark · 03/28/07 11:39AM

On last night's edition of American Idol, pony-hawked karaoke incubus Sanjaya Malakar, did not, as we hoped he might, sprout enormous bat wings halfway through his pitch-raping rendition of "Bathwater," snatch a scandalized Gwen Stefani from the side of the stage, and ascend to the rafters, where he would hungrily gnaw at her flesh as hundreds of terrified audience members stampeded from the room, hoping to absorb some of her pop-star essence for his own nefarious use on subsequent performances.

Michael J. Fox Wins This Round, Rush Calls in Cavalry

sUKi · 10/25/06 10:00AM

So what's the latest on the Rush Limbaugh vs Alex P. Keaton beef? Well, after getting thorughly p0wn3d by the TNR's The Plank and his own inept research department, he apologized for accusing Michael J. of faking Parkinson's, though not as "bigly and hugely" as promised. The former ESPN personality added that Fox "is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democrat politician." Sheesh Rush, it's Parkinson's, he's not retarded or anything.