It's one thing when Rush Limbaugh accuses Michael J. Fox of faking his Parkinson's symptoms. That is his M.O. - say something knowingly misinformed and play victim to the liberal mainstream media when the criticism hits. But it's whole another when Matt Lauer, as cuddly as a teddy bear and as wholesome as the wheat in the breakfast toast, comes out and says "Didn't Rush Limbaugh just say what a lot of people were privately thinking?" as he did on The Today Show on Thursday.

It's a bigger dick move than Rush's, if only because he's being a total vagina about it.

"A lot of people" can mean pretty much anything -hell, if five people were in my apartment at once, that would be "a lot". But it's a rhetorical cuteness that lets him avoid saying "I thought Michael J. was faking it too" and looking like a dick himself. And the whole "He says things we're all afraid to say" thing is as stupid as when it was applied to Howard Stern and South Park.

In fairness, we can kinda understand how Matt can be a little pissy, what with being Katie Couric's bitchboy for almost a decade, getting assigned to do that Britney Spears bawlfest, and now having to co-host with a woman who doesn't know her twat from her asshole.

Lauer on Limbaugh's Michael J. Fox attacks: "Didn't Rush Limbaugh just say what a lot of people were privately thinking?" [MMFA]
Micheal J. Fox & Rush Limbaugh on The Today Show [YouTube]