So what's the latest on the Rush Limbaugh vs Alex P. Keaton beef? Well, after getting thorughly p0wn3d by the TNR's The Plank and his own inept research department, he apologized for accusing Michael J. of faking Parkinson's, though not as "bigly and hugely" as promised. The former ESPN personality added that Fox "is allowing his illness to be exploited and in the process is shilling for a Democrat politician." Sheesh Rush, it's Parkinson's, he's not retarded or anything.

We love Alessandra Stanley for comparing the ad to an Iraqi hostage video - not sure who should be more offended, the hostages or people with the Pk's. But the biggest WTF comes from the response ad from opponents of funding for stem cell research, featuring Patricia Heaton, three formerly and currently Missouri-based white athletes, and Jim Caviezel. Movie Jesus opens the ad speaking in Aramaic, but apparently forgot to bring the crown of thorns and the cross.

Do you think Caviezel goes up to girls in bars and rattle off a couple of lines in Aramaic? How else is anyone supposed to recognize him?

Michael J. Fox Campaign Ad Hits Home (And Republicans) [Eat The Press]
Making Stem Cell Issue Personal, and Political [NYT]
Response Ad to Michael J. Fox [YouTube]