
Horrifying Video Allegedly Shows Scores Dead in Massacre in Syria

Max Read · 01/29/13 11:44AM

According to the anti-regime human-rights group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, as many as 80 men were found killed execution-style in an Aleppo suburb on Tuesday, many with their hands bound behind their backs. The group claims to have documented the massacre's aftermath — details of which are still obscure — in a series of extremely graphic videos it posted to its Facebook page.

One in Four Americans Sympathize More with Confederacy

Max Read · 04/12/11 09:45PM

There are two sides to the Civil War, as CNN has pointed out to us, so it makes sense that a poll commissioned by the network finds that 23 percent of Americans sympathize more with the Confederacy ("the bad guys"). And, let's be honest: Slightly less that one-quarter is actually pretty good, as questions like this go; similar percentages of people believe that President Obama is Muslim. Of course the South has a rate of Confederate sympathy at 38 percent—the highest of any demographic grouping—but (and maybe we have diminished expectations) the fact that a solid majority of southerners prefer the United States to a group of treasonous racists seems like cause for celebration. Maybe in another 150 years we can get that number down to 30 percent! [CNN; image via AP]

Qaddafi Forces Attack Rebel Stronghold

Jeff Neumann · 03/19/11 08:13AM

Despite a UN resolution and threats by European powers to strike Muammar Qaddafi's forces if they continue to attack Libyan cities, troops loyal to the Libyan dictator today assaulted the eastern city of Benghazi with tanks and aircraft. Update below.

Should a KKK Grand Wizard Get a Special License Plate?

Max Read · 02/11/11 01:36AM

Should Mississippi honor Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest by giving him a special license plate? Probably not, no. But the Mississippi Division of Sons of Confederate Veterans seems to think it would be a good idea, having proposed a commemorative Forrest License plate for 2014 as part of a series of license plates that "mark the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which it calls the 'War Between the States.'"

Confederate Flag Art Removed After Complaints

Max Read · 02/04/11 02:04AM

Georgia's current state flag is based on the first national flag of the Confederacy. So you'd think "heritage"-pimping Georgians would be cool with a painting based on the Confederate Battle Flag. But apparently not. Was it the Klansman, maybe?