Despite a UN resolution and threats by European powers to strike Muammar Qaddafi's forces if they continue to attack Libyan cities, troops loyal to the Libyan dictator today assaulted the eastern city of Benghazi with tanks and aircraft. Update below.

One resident, Hassan Marouf told Reuters:

"Europe and America have sold us out. We have been hearing bombing all night, and they have been doing nothing. Why? We have no one to help us but God. Us men are not afraid to die, but I have women and children inside and they are crying and in tears. Help us."

Reuters also reports that Qaddafi snipers are killing civilians in the rebel controlled city of Misurata. Meanwhile, an emergency meeting is taking place in Paris today to decide what course of action to take.

Update: French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking after the Paris meeting, announced that French warplanes are now in the skies over Benghazi to enforce a no-fly zone.